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The Group Hangout.

Draco and I kissed for about 10 minutes before I ended up pushing away. I can't let him think he can just do this to me. Hurt me and then kiss me. Tell me what I can and can't do and then please me. He isn't even my boyfriend.

I ran into my room and then quickly locked the door and fell to the floor, out of breath.

"Violet?" I screamed and turned as I saw Ruth reading a book on her bed. "Are you okay?" she said with a puzzled look on her face.

"Oh yeah, sorry I just, um Crabbe was chasing me." I said out of nowhere.

"Why the fuck was Crabbe chasing you?" she questioned, closing her book.

"Um I don't even know, he is a strange guy.." I said standing up and walking to my bed. But before I could lay down Ruth stopped me.

"Oh my god, Violet, what the hell happened to your neck?" she said as she inched closer to me.

"My neck?" I ran to the mirror and lowered my sweatshirt. There was a horizontal line made up of bruises.

Wow, Draco really did a deed on me.

"I don't know what happened. Maybe my necklace scratched me during sleep or something?" I said lying.

"Yeah probably, put some cream on it hopefully it will help." She suggests.

"I am gonna go take a shower now and then get ready. I might be long, I am in a good mood" she says smiling and then skips to the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

I was honestly happy for Ruth, I am glad she is happy with Cedric. Her and Draco were this happy too though, she even made Draco happier than he ever was. Maybe I am just a toy to him and she was the real thing. I mean I never even had a boyfriend. Adrian Pucey was my first kiss, but I have never been touched, until Draco touched me the other night. But I really didn't wanna think about that.


It was getting closer to noon, Ruth and I assumed we would just be meeting Pansy and Blaise there, which was cool, I expected that to be the case honestly.

I brushed my straight hair and kept it down, then I threw on a sweater and a jean jacket over it. I wore my jeans and boots, and then decided it would be a good idea to place a scarf around my neck, the bruising from Draco's grip started to burn a little.

Ruth and I both headed out of the dorm and met up with Alec, Crabbe and Goyle on the couches. Alec looked so good, he had navy kakis with aback sweater and leather black jacket on, and wow, it was a sight to see.


We all headed down to Hogsmeade, to was chilly but also very refreshing. Ruth and I had our arms intertwined with each other and Alec was on my other my other side. We talked and laughed all the way until we saw Pansy and Blaise, and with them was Draco.

Draco was wearing a black turtle neck and a black suit. He looked absolutely divine. I couldn't even express how amazing he looked, but I knew I had to look away before getting another comment from his dirty mouth making me more embarrassed.

"Ah hey guys!" Pansy screamed running into me and Ruth giving us a hug. "Blaise and I came here earlier, we needed the um... the pill" She said and covered her mouth with her hand after.

"Dear god Pansy, not again" I say laughing.

"Well ladies and lads what are we waiting for? Three Broomsticks?" Ruth asked as everyone else followed. Draco groaned and complained as we walked, but he was messing around with Blaise, it was nice to see he was happy, or whatever his emotion was.

We walked in and got the biggest booth. I was smudged between Ruth and Alec, next to Alec was Crabbe, then Goyle, and then Draco, ahead of me next to Blaise and Pansy.

Awkward. I could sense the tension.

"Draco go order the butter beers with me" Blaise says as he tugs on Draco's shirt. They both stand and I keep my eyes on him until I hear Alec speaking and I look at him.

"Sorry, what'd you say?" I asked interrupting him.

"I was asking if you and Draco also have a past, he looks at you a lot." He says, a bit nervously too.

"Oh hahahahaha absolutely not. Him and Ruth dated and I am not one to date my best friends ex, yanno" I say, even though I was lying to myself.

The boys came back with the butter beers and and we all talked and drank them.

I went to get a donut for Ruth and I when Draco came up behind me.

"So are you and Alec dating now?" He asked, probably the most dumbest question ever.

"What are you talking about? We are legit just friends Draco, don't be like that." I stated firmly.

I then look at Draco's face as an angry yet worried expression shows up on his face.

"What?" I asked bothered.

"Did I-? he points to his own neck. "I did that? Oh fuck I am so sorry Violet." he says apologizing to me.

"Draco, it's fine" I say turning the other way grabbing the donuts.

"It is NOT fine, I shouldn't be hurting you." He says looking even more angry.

"Draco it's not that serious. I put cream on it and it should be gone soon. Why do you care anyways. You don't even like me, right?" I say glaring at him. I then rolled my eyes and headed back to the booth handing Ruth her donut and squeezing around Alec.

We stayed a bit more and then we all headed out. We all had a good time and got to know Alec a bit better. And boy, I must say he really is charming. Its probably because he is French, but he also is kind-hearted, something Draco probably will never be.


We all walked back to Hogwarts laughing and making jokes as we entered the front entrance.

"Well, I am going to Cedric, he told me to come afterwards, I will probably see you tomorrow morning" Ruth blows me a kiss and heads up the stairs.

"What are you guys doing now?" I asked them.

Pansy started to giggle, "I am going with Blaise to his room, sorry Draco" she laughs as Blaise pulls her up the stairs.

Crabbe and Goyle look at each other and run to the Great Hall when they see that dinner is still being served.

It's just me and Draco, and Alec standing there. 

SO awkward.

"Well then, I guess I am just going to head up to my dorm and shower. Goodnight you guys" I say smiling and then..

"Wait Violet let me walk with you." Alec says, which makes me look at Draco and I could see his fists clenched once more. But why would I care.

"Sure, why not" I say walking up the stairs with Alec. I turn around and notice Draco is already gone, he must've gone with Crabbe and Goyle.

Alec and I walked closely to the Slytherin common room and then up the stairs to the girls dormitories. We reach my door.

"Well this is me, thank you for walking me, but you know you didn't have to." I say.

"I don't mind at all, I like spending time with you" He says and then smiles. I suddenly kiss Alec on the cheek which makes him blush and then I open my door, "Goodnight Alec, have a good first day tomorrow" I say smiling as he smiles back.

I closed the door and jumped on my bed. I looked up at my ceiling and I smiled. Alec is nice, I like him. I gazed into the ceiling for a bit more until I heard very loud knocks at my dorm, almost as someone is trying to break in.

"Holy fuck, I am coming chill-" I open the door and there I see angry, pissed off, and scary Draco. He pushes me into my room making me trip backwards, and he shuts the door and locks it.

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