F O R T Y - S E V E N

712 9 1

Goodbye, Princess.

I felt like my heart stopped beating and I was about to go into cardiac arrest. My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. I couldn't believe it.

Draco was standing in front of me.

He had his regular black suit on, but he had a hat on, covering his platinum blonde hair, clearly trying to keep him being here on the low.

"Draco?" I say, as I still am in shock. I inch closer for him, the only thing I want to do right now is slap him for making me think he was dead. But I also wanted to rip his clothes off.

"Will you come with me, Violet?" he asked as he reaches for my hand, intertwining out fingers together. I nodded and we began to walk. He kept his head down, and I did the same making sure no one came to me either.

We entered the alleyway that led to Knockturn alley, the bad part of Diagon Alley, as we entered a shop I have never seen. We walked in as Draco closed the blinds and turned the lights on, locking the door. It is clear that this shop has been bonded, just like most of the shops in Knockturn alley.

As I turn around, before I can say anything Draco smashes his lips into mine, and I kiss him back, harder, and more passionately than ever.

For the first time in months, I felt like my heart was happy, that I was happy. I had hope.

"Draco what are you doing here. I thought you were dead, I thought you w-were locked away in Azkaban!" I screamed when I pulled back from him. Draco walked to the counter and jumped, taking a seat. "I wrote to you! you never even bothered telling me you were okay?" I continued, as I paced around the dust-filled store.

"Violet, if you let me talk, I can explain." He says calmly. He looked good. He looked... healthy, strong, and like he was doing alright.

"Ok, talk."

"After Dumbledore died, we all went back to my Manor. We spent weeks hiding out there as Voldemort planned on how he was going to take over the Wizarding world, and how he was going to kill Harry Potter." He said, as I kept my eyes on him. "My parents and I, we just couldn't take it anymore. We didn't want to be part of this. We wanted peace."

"You were the anonymous tip?" I said, gasping, realizing where this was going.

He nodded, "Yes, we sent the anonymous tips to the Ministry of Magic and then escaped from the Manor the day of when officers and dementors raided our home."

"W-where'd you guys go?"

"We went to Russia. My father had a wizard friend there, they said they have a bunker we could stay in. After hearing the news of the death eaters being caught we were happy, but Voldemort wasn't caught yet. So we sent another anonymous tip, saying that he usually stays in his old home, where he was raised."

"Tom Riddles home?" I asked.

"Yes. And hats where they caught him. Once that news was heard we celebrated. But we were still wanted. So we stayed in Russia and only come here sometimes, making sure all things are well with mums family and at the Manor."

I looked at him as if he had just grown a third arm or something. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. But it was all making sense, somehow.

Draco got off the counter and walked towards me. He placed his hands on my waist and I placed mine on his chest.

"I couldn't write to you, I didn't have a way. I didn't want to be caught and expose where we were staying, but Violet I never stopped thinking about you. I love you." he said and my eyes gazed into his. He meant it.

"I love you more." I say as I kiss him, and he kisses me back, harder, passionately.

I run my fingers among his chest as I begin to unbutton his buttons. It feels like years since I felt Draco in me, or his touch let alone.

His large hands ran through my hair as they made way to my skirt, unzipping it, revealing my black laced thong. He takes off my shirt and unclips my matching bra, throwing it on the floor.

"Jump" he orders, and I do, he catches me and places me on the counter, my body becoming bare as he pulls my underwear off. He takes his shirt off, and his hands travel to my lower lips. He kisses my neck as I fell his fingers enter me, two, going in slowly, and then speeding up. I moaned as he went deeper and faster, adding a third finger.

"Fuck Draco, it feels so good!" I moaned out loud.

As Draco's kisses traveled down my body he went to breasts, licking and sucking around them, both equally getting his attention.

He undid his belt, as I looked into his eyes, that were looking at into mine too, I bit my lip, his pants slid down as he pulled his boxers down revealing his very large erected penis.

He teased me by rubbing it around my clitoris, a smirk forming on his face.

Without hesitation I grab his dick and put in in myself, wanting to feel all of him.

Draco wraps his hand around my neck like a necklace as he puts it all in, revealing a oft moan, as I let out a louder one.

"Fucking hell Violet. You are amazing." He groaned out.

I felt his hip thrusts against mine, but he want going fast, he was going slow instead, wanting to keep the feeling of pleasure going. I still was't used to his size, so every slow stroke he made was painful, but I didn't care.

I grabbed onto his arms, looking at his veins, gripping hard as he banged me harder and harder, his hand still on my neck, as his other hand traveled down. I suddenly felt my body jerk forward and I arched immediately to the pleasure of this feeling. He fucked me mercislessly as his thumb made circles around my clitoris, bringing me back to the feeling of paradise I haven't felt in forever.

"Fuck Draco. Oh my god. I'm go-" I said but his hand covers my mouth instantly.

He tilts his head back as I arch my back even more.

"Fuckkk" I hear him moan out as I feel him cum in me and my body cams at the exact same time, unable to control it. My legs shake in pleasure as we both cum.

He takes his hand away from covering my mouth and pulls out.

I lay on the counter trying to catch my breath, when Draco leans in for a kiss.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you" I say back.


After we both calmed down, and we put our clothes on, Draco pulled me in tightly and kissed my forehead.

"So what now?" I ask. "Are you going to go back?"

He nods.

"I don't want you to go. I don't want this to be goodbye."

"It won't be Violet. I promise. Mum got me a new owl, so no one will recognize him. We will write to each other."

"But what happens if the letters get intercepted. Then what? I don't want to risk your exposure."

"You won't, we just can't refer to each others real names." He says.

I look at him confused, not understanding.

"I will refer to you as Princess in the letters, and you can refer to me as Dragon."


"Its badass. Plus Draco means Dragon." he says with a smirk as he wipes the tear falling from my eye.

"I want to be with you."

"I know darling. I know. Finish this year strong and then we can see each other more." He says.

"So it's goodbye for now?" I ask, sadly.

Draco kisses my lips once more and his me tightly. He then puts his hat on and walks to the door.

"Goodbye, Princess." he says with a smile and leaves.

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