T H I R T Y - N I N E

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It's been about two weeks since Draco said I love you. Things between us have truly been great. Better than expected I must say.

We've spent everyday together, doing everything that we promised we'd do.

We'd wake up together, go to breakfast. After, I'd go to class and he'd go work on repairing the cabinet. We'd meet again after school, I'd bring him snacks and keep him sane while he continued repeating the same spell over and over again, even I was getting annoyed with it. And then we'd go to dinner together, and then ended the night, sleeping together.

We would usually add sex before going to bed, but Draco has been so stressed with something. Every-time I asked he said "it's not the about the task" or "I am just overwhelmed with schoolwork" but it seemed to be deeper than that.

The other day Draco invited me to spend the weekend with him at his Manor, he said it would be nice to spend a few days out of Hogwarts.

"Do you really have to go? Blaise is out this weekend visiting his cousins. I don't want to be all aloneeeee." Pansy cried out.

"I thought he was only gone for a couple hours.." I remarked.

"That's beside the point it still feels like forever"

I rolled my eyes and laughed.


It was around noon and I was nearly packed when Draco entered the dorm.

"Hey Princess" he said as he approached me giving me a kiss on my cheek. "Are you sure you want to do this? My dad is a handful."

"Yes Draco I am sure. You invited me and I want to spend time with you. Plus, I even packed my Christmas present from you." I said poking his chest making him smile.

Draco sat on my bed daydreaming as I finished packing.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"Huh? Oh no it's nothing."

"Draco" I zipped my suitcase and sat by him. "You can talk to me."


"Okay, it's stupid though." He finally says. "It's just I am afraid to lose you- I just wanna know, what's something I'd do that would cause you to leave me?"

"Why are you asking me this?" I said looking at him strangely.

"No-nothing it's just a stupid question.."

"No it's not, it's actually a good question. I don't know to be honest. I have never had a boyfriend. I have never really been heartbroken besides that time with Cedric and Ruth... whatever." I say lowly as I roll my eyes at my own words. "I guess if you cheated on me or lied about something very serious!" I said shaking my head.

I truly didn't know if even him cheating would push me back. I love him too much to want to lose him. But the thought of someone else having him has murder on my mind.

"I wont hurt you, never on purpose especially" he reassures me as he grabs my hand and kisses me. "I love you Violet."

"I love you too, Blondie" I said kissing him once more.


We got to the Malfoy Manor, Narcissa and Lucius were both gone so we brought our bags upstairs and then presumed to make tea in the kitchen waiting for them to arrive.

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