F O R T Y - S I X

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To Make Up.

As September was coming closer, school was soon to start, I had to get my belongings.

Mum and dad weren't liking the idea of me returning to finish year 7 at Hogwarts, after everything that happened, but they agreed, only because Voldemort and his death eaters were rotting in hell.

I spent most of the summer writing to Draco. Letters asking where he is, if he is okay, what happened, just making sure he was alive. But I never ended up getting a letter back. After the 12th letter, my owl came back with it still in her beak.

Meaning Draco wasn't around anymore. Or he was in Azkaban.

There has not been any news on the Malfoy's, but I didn't want to believe he was dead, so I  kept my head up.

He's okay, I would tell myself.


I went to Diagon Alley this afternoon, collecting all I needed for my last year. It was quite the somber thought, thinking about it already being the last year of school.

No Dumbledore.

No Snape.

No.. Draco.

Quite depressing.

But I'd still have Pansy, and Blaise, Harry, Ron and Hermione too. Maybe this year wasn't going to be so bad.

I entered Flourish and Blotts, looking for the Herbology book we had assigned, as I walked around the store I accidentally bumped into a girl.

"Oh! I am so sorry." I say as I turn around. It was Ruth.

"Violet?" she exclaimed as she looked at me before pulling me into a very tight hug.

I was quite consented with what was happening but for the moment it felt right. Felt like it was what I needed.

Exactly what I needed.

I hugged her tighter for a good couple minutes before we let go of each other.

"Violet I've missed you so much. I've been meaning to right to you, apologize for everything. You were right. I -" she said but I interrupted...

"Ruth stop! All is well. I forgive you, if you forgive me too." I say.

"Of course I forgive you." She says as she pulls me in tight once more. "What do you say for some ice cream and catching up after we buy our books?" She asks.



Ruth and I talk and talk, while we bond and fill each other on with everything that had happened since we fought, while enjoying ice cream.

I didn't tell her everything when it came to Draco. I wanted to still protect him, he deserved for me to keep his secret. So I did.

Cedric and Ruth had broken up last April, and Ruth says she and Alec are now talking.

I actually ship it.


"It was nice to see you Ruth, but I have to still go and get a couple more things. I'll catch you back at school, roomie?" I look at her with a smile.

Her face lits up, "yes of course" she says standing as we hug one last time.


As I made my way around Diagon alley I noticed someone who looked very familiar. I hurried towards the figure but got lost as I kept running into others. I stopped as I realized I lost them. I sighed as I turned around and jump to see the person standing in front of me.

"Oh my god." I exclaim covering my mouth looking at the muscular figure in front of me.

"Missed me princess?"

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