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It was Thursday, I woke up and got dressed. As I opened the door Draco was on the other side waiting for Ruth. 

"Morning partner" He says. Draco and I had a strange friendship. We were close and he tolerated me but sometimes I truly felt like he hated me. I can't explain it. 

"Hey Draco, Ruth is just doing her hair. She should be out soon, see you at potions" I say back.

As I walk past the common room I can feel Draco's eyes on me, like literally watching every move I made. He tended to do that a lot actually. But I also know he loves Ruth, and Draco will always only be a friend to me. 

I went to breakfast and sat down with Hermione, Ron and Harry. They were my other close friends. There was usually a weird tension with Hermione and I though. She was always worried that I knew more than her, but I never really cared. Oops. 

"Zabini and Parkinson? They are a thing now?" Ron says looking very confused. 

"I guess so" I say laughing. 

"Violetttttttttt, how are you?" Fred and George both say as they fight for the spot right next to mine. Fred ends up winning it. Fred had a huge crush on me and it was very very clear, and I believe so did George, but they were cute so I didn't mind it. 

We all talked for the rest of breakfast and then we headed off to class. 


It was finally time for potions. I loved potions, although Snape scared me a bit. I sat down in my seat, Draco still not there. Finally Draco walked in, Crabbe and Goyle behind him, like always. I mean Draco was the most popular guy in school and apparently to many girls the hottest. But I didn't see it. Crabbe and Goyle sat in front of us

"Moresen" He says as he sits down next to me. 

"Malfoy" I say back not looking at him. 

"You know usually when you talk to someone you look at them. Sorry I'm not Diggory so you're not able to stare" He says and laughs. I feel myself getting very red and embarrassed. Ruth told him I had a crush on Cedric once on accident and I really wish she didn't. I mean like he always teases me about it. Its embarrassing. 

"Shut up" I say back which made him laugh even harder. 

"Crabbe move I can't see cause your big fatass head is in the way" Draco says. Yuck, he was so rude, yet everyone wanted to either be him or be with him. 

"Crabbe you're fine. Don't listen to him." I say making Crabbe smile. Draco looked at me confused. 

"Did anyone ask you to speak?" He says, he seemed annoyed, but I didn't care. 

"Whatever Draco" I say and kept my eyes down. 

"Aw its probably because now you're the only single girl in your friend group" he says cunningly. I was madly hurt and annoyed. I picked up my book and hit him with it. He looked at me with that how dare you, my father will hear about this look, but I lost my patience. Draco Malfoy is an ass. 

Throughout potions class I focused on the lesson being taught, but from the corner of my eye I noticed Draco would look at me, almost like he zoned in staring at my face and then when he realized what he was doing he would shake himself and look at the front of the class where Snape was teaching. It was so strange. Why was he looking at me?

As class ended, which it was the last one for the day, Draco ran out to catch up to me.

"Hey Moresen, wait." He says shouting. "I said wait dammit!" 

"What Draco."

"Keep out of your room for a bit longer today. I'm trying to have some fun with my girl tonight and I don't need you walking in. Blaise will be with Pansy at our dorm so." He says with a wide smile on his face knowing I didn't wanna do this but I had no choice. 

"Only an hour longer. Thats it then I am walking in." I say sighing. 

"Oh I wasn't asking." he says and then turns around with his evil laugh allowing him. 

I turned around but as I turned I ran straight into a boy. 


Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Oh my Im so sorry I am so clumsy." I say nearly about to cry from embarrassment.

"Haha its all good, don't stress it. It's Ruth right?" he asked confidently. My heart sank. 

"No, it's Violet actually." I said looking down. That was embarrassing. 

"Oh fu- I'm sorry Violet I-I Just -" 

"Hey its cool. Sorry for running into you." I said and then left keeping my head down. Its alright, I was used to it. 

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