T H I R T Y - F I V E

822 13 1

The Everlasting Mark.


It's been about a month since Draco and I have talked. Every time we passed each other his eyes would avoid mine.

I wanted to talk to him, but I believed time was our best choice. He broke up with me anyways, he should be the one to tell me he wants me.



As I spent another Wednesday going to classes, I tried not to pay attention to the seat that Malfoy should've been sitting in, but I couldn't. Not seeing Draco, not talking to him, not feeling his touch, his lips, everything. I just miss him.


It soon hit dinnertime, as the clouds covered the setting sun and the sky turned from strawberry to blueberry. The anxiety and pressure of knowing that Draco would not be in the dining hall once again worried me.

Ditching dinner, I ran up the stairs, reaching the 7th floor and stood in front of the wall, which had secretly opened up to the Room of Requirement. As I walked in quietly I went to my usual hide out spot. But he wasn't there. Peeking out I heard a bit of a snore and there I saw Draco sleeping on the couch.

I walked towards the poor boy. He looked absolutely exhausted.

My heart sank as I saw the very dark circles under his eyes and his scrawny hands. He was thinner than before. I ran my hair through his hair and then caressed his cheek. My eyes began to water from the saddening sight.

Suddenly he opened his eyes.

I backed away as Draco fluttered his eyes, making sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Violet what are you doing here?" He asked urgently, but he wasn't mad this time, no.

"Draco, you look-" I reached for his hand this time, but Draco grabbed onto mine first pulling me in tightly for a hug.

The way he hugged me was like no other. He held me tightly as if he was never to see me again. It was passionate, but it was full of fear, anger, and exhaustion.

I heard a sniffle and pulled back. Draco was crying. He was crying. He never cries.

"I missed you so much Princess." He said falling back to into my arms.


We stayed glued to each other for a good 20 minutes before he finally pulled away wiping his soon to be dry tears. He held my hand with a very strong grip.

"Draco, whats been going on."

"I can't tell you Violet. I just I-I can't."

"Yes, yes you can Draco. You can just trust me." I said full of hope.

A silence omitted around us once again.

"If I show you, you won't ever speak to me again."

He stood up, and began to pace, tension filling the atmosphere once more. Standing up on my weak legs, I came closer to him, which resulted in his pacing to come to a halt. I pulled him in, holding both of his hands, and I kissed him.

It felt, like once more, our very first kiss.


"Whatever it is, I promised not to hate you, or not leave." I say, "I promise you Draco."

And this is when the world came crashing.

Draco stepped back from me. He took of his jacket andante threw it on the couch. He turned to look at me and placed his left hand out. I stared at him in confusion.

"Draco what are you-"

He lifts pulls up his sleeve, and that's when I see it.

The Dark Mark.

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