F O R T Y - T H R E E

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Its been about 2 months since I have either seen or spoken to Draco. The thing is, I knew where to find him, but I don't think I could do it. I don't think I would be able to face him.

He chose to leave this time.

He could've had me.

But everyone makes their own decisions.

Maybe to was for the best.

My heart still hurt, and I still loved him so deeply, but I truly felt like, maybe I was doing okay without him. I didn't have the constant anxiety of having to control his feelings, his anger, and his destruction.

He was doing him.

I was doing me.

And I was... okay, I guess.

Pansy and Blaise have been doing alright. They got back together, which was not a shocker. Ruth still continues to avoid me ever since that altercation. Since Pansy and Blaise are always together, I have been quite lonely. I must say I hate to admit it, but sometimes I miss Ruth.

To allow time to pass I usually hang out with Hermione, Ron and Harry, although, they are always very secretive so I turn to the twins, they always find their ways to comfort me. They were my people, and I was quite lucky to have them. Ginny, Luna and I have also become quite close within the month and a half we have known each other for.

I definitely think Neville has the hots for Luna.


I woke up on Saturday, it was very gloomy, and the school was... well.. sad. People seemed gloomy, and the protective shield surrounding the school blocked a lot of natural light.

Professor Dumbledore was barely at school.. I truly felt quite guilty, the fact I knew what was going to happen to him. But I just couldn't do that to Draco.


Oh, I hope he's doing okay.


Once I returned form a daily quiet breakfast, I paced around my room thinking and contemplating, on whether it was smart for me to maybe... check up on Draco.

It couldn't hurt... right?

C'mon Violet, I am sure he would be happy to see you.

Don't be a pussy. Fucking go talk to him!

Don't go to him! He will think you're needy and obsessed with him.


"Thats it! I am going!" I yelled out to my self in my lonely gloomy room. I grab my Slytherin jacket and head out.

"Violet?" I hear a familiar voice yell out.

I turn.

"Alec?" I say as I run to him and hug him. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. Where have you been?"

"Well... Ruth actually threatened me... she said if I were to talk to you.. she'd tell everyone that we slept together." he said lowly.

"Ruth did that? But we didn't sleep together." I exclaimed.

"Exactly, I stayed quiet and away from you, I didn't want to get in between you and Malfoy, but I've missed you Violet." He says as he pulls me in for one more hug.

"Thanks Alec, I appreciate it so much. Lets catch up later, alright?" I ask as he nods yes, and I head out the Slytherin common room.

As I step out there seems to be a commotion in the halls. Everyone is walking around, like they have somewhere to be. Or like they are running away from something, or someone.

I climb up the stairs as I am suddenly stopped and pushed aside by Hermione and Ron.

"Violet! Where are you going?" Ron shouts.

"Whats going on?" I ask, over the loud noises, as people around us are walking and shoving past us much faster.

"Not here, come on." Hermione says as she grabs my hand as pulls me to a partly empty hallways.

"Hermione, please tell me whats going on!" I shout at her.

"Someone allowed death eaters to enter the school." she says. I feel a panic. Its Draco. He fixed the cabinet! He did it.

But that means... Dumbledore.

Draco, he can't do this alone he just can't.

"Its Draco isn't it. It was him?" Hermione asks me as she realized I have turned very pale.

"Bloody hell, what has he done." Ron exclaimed as he looked around in fear.

I didn't know what to do. I could either go to Draco, find him and take him away from this situation. We could run away and never be found again. Live our own lives happily.


I could escape now with Hermione, Ron and Harry, wherever he may be.

"Where is Harry?" I question.

"He's looking for Dumbledore, I think the Astronomy tower." Hermione answers.

"You guys go get somewhere safe, I will meet you back at your dorms alright?" I shout as I turn and leave hearing Hermione and Ron shout behind me to stay.

I run past people shoving many of them out of the way. My long skinny legs suddenly becoming like jello, wobbly and unstable.

I run to the Astronomy tower and whip around the staircase, but as I hear voices I begin to slow down making sure I am not caught. I truthfully had no plan. I didn't know what I was about to do, or get myself into. I just wanted.... needed Draco.

As I begin to reach the top I feel cold hand scup my mouth making me go silent and a body pull me back. I told my head back a bit as I see Harry holding me tightly making sure I don't make a single noise.

He pulls us behind the top staircase, making sure that we aren't seen. I look up through a gap as I hear Draco.

His eye bags have become even worse. He is in bad shape. He leaks very skinny, and his eyes are red, hungry for freedom.

It was heartbreaking to see him like this.

"I have to do this. I have to kill him, or he's going to kill me" Draco cries out.

A tear rolls down my cheek, my heart aching for me. I begin to fight Harrys tight hold on me but he doesn't budge, he's too strong for me, and I stop fighting, the fatigue taking over.

I listen in more, hearing Bellatrixs voice, sends shivers through my spine.

Suddenly Harry and I duck as we see professor Snape climbing up the stairs, we try to stay invisible.

Snape? What is he doing?

Before my brain can wrap around with whats happening I hear Snape word the curse that should've left Draco's mouth instead.

"Avada Kadavra."

Harry and I watch in fear as Snape has just killed Dumbledore, and Dumbledores, now did body falls down the long tower.

More tears begin to fall down my cheek, and I can feel Harrys heart beating at a very high rate.

We both shut up and hold ourselves together as we see Draco and Snape walk down the staircase, followed by the death eaters.

Harry and I fall to the ground as he holds me and we both thinking about what we just witnessed.

I sob as he covers my screams.

I knew this was going to happen, but I though I could've stopped it. I could've helped Draco.

Oh Draco.

Everything was officially in destruction.

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