Emma Evergreen is a normal happy child or so she thinks. Her life is fliped upside down when she discovers the truths and lies of her life. Will she find out who she is and save everyone?
I slowly closed the door behind me and made my way down the many passageways, I still had the music box in my hands I rubbed my fingers along its side "Miss Evergreen" I had not realised how far I had been walking, I looked up from the little box in my hands and I could tell I was in a hallway that I have never been in before "Miss Evergreen" I turned around and I saw Professor Flitwick "I see that you have had your head in the clouds again" he said chuckling to himself
"Yes" I chuckled
"Follow me," he said he turned and started to walk in the other direction I caught up to him after he had disappeared around the corner he leads me to his office he took out a small box of cupcakes that had purple icing on top with a flick of his wand the cupcakes started to float in the air doing a little dance. I left his office not too long then I made my way to my dorm.
I sat down on my bed I had not removed the box from my hands since I left MacGonagalls office, I ran my fingers along its side feeling the flowers carved on its side, I placed it on my bedside table and made my way over to the pile of gifts that I had accumulated Willow must have brought them up for me, I pick up the letter from Lily
To Emma I am sorry that I could not get much information but trust me, you will learn everything soon, everything was done to keep you safe From Lily
Why do people keep telling me that? I felt the tears come back as I put my gifts away I held the photo in my hands as I turned the key on the box.
Emma lay down on to her bed and shut her eyes she let the darkness fill her scenes, as she felt her body falling down into the abyss, the darkness parted and she was filled with terror she saw a man on the floor screaming in pain "Crucio" a slender, pale woman with shiny dark hair was pointing her wand at the man and laughing maniacally as if she enjoyed torturing this poor man. The man was screaming loudly.
Emma heard a shill scream and the man shouted "she doesn't know either" and with one final thrust from her wand he just lay there muttering to himself
"NO" the same shrill scream as before echoed around the room then Emma felt an undescribable amount of pain shoot through her body "I don't know, I don't know" cried the voice, the pain kept surging through her body as the laughs and screams kept echoing. The room started to spin quicker and quicker.
"Thank you" Emma was in the arms of a man she recognised from the photographs "the stone has enabled us to have her" he was speaking to a skeleton-like figure hiding in a thin dark cloak
"Do not forget your end of the deal," the figure said
Emma felt as if she was being pulled out from underwater as the darkness faded she opened her eyes and reached for a pencil to draw what she just saw
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Please remember that full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. Thank you for reading if you are enjoying it please vote and share. What do you think just happened to Emma let me know? Stay Safe love Niffy