Chapter 5 In the carriage

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Emma and Dobby sat in a small empty compartment and stared out the window at the muggles rushing to work never once stopping. Emma was so lost in her thoughts she did not hear a 5th year Hufflepuff prefect come in. "Hi am Ethel, what house do you hope that you are going to be sorted in to?" she said in a high pitched voice. 

Emma felt compelled to say Hufflepuff but instead replied with "I am not to shore I will be happy where ever I am sorted" Ethel smiled and left the compartment. A couple of hours into the journey Emma realised that there was a small letter in her pocket it read.


Remember what a told you and you are loved, I am sorry I have not told you everything but you will soon learn but not from me. Stay strong and only trust the pack you will find. All will be revealed soon I promise

All my love Grandma 

P.S. I have left a bit of money for you to spend on the train

Emma reached deep into her pocket and found a small sack of coins and a small key on a chain she realised that the key was the same one that her grandmother had used to withdraw money from Gringotts. Emma was confused at why her grandmother had sent the key surely she would need it. she saw in the letter a moving photo Emma had gotten used to this from the school books she had read it was of her as a baby with two people who had there faces hidden with cloaks and her grandmother.

A little while later she heard a sweet old voice say "Anything from the trolley dear" 

"um yes please can I have a chocolate frog, pumpkin pastry, cauldron cake and Bertie Botts every flavour beans." 

"That will be 4 sickles please" Emma paid and thanked the trolley witch and started eating when she got to the chocolate frog the card was Remus Lupin his picture had him smiling waving a little Emma felt hopeful about life at Hogwarts. the train came to a slow stop.

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans.

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