Chapter 35 When The Doe Meets Again

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Emma's eyes snapped open and she was blinded by the light, she looked over at Teddy "sorry what were you saying?" she swallowed hard trying not to cry

"Emma are you okay" Teddy was concerned about Emma she was like a sister to him.

Emma took a deep shaky breath and said "Um, I" she stopped before she could answer as Willow came down the corridor "you should get to Defence Against the Dark Arts". Shortly after Teddy's departure Professor Longbottom came to start the lesson.

Everyone huddled around the bentches to see what was happening "Devils snare is easy to spot even though it looks like weeds, so last week we were practising Lumos Solem, I want you to go around, find some Devil's snare and subdue it." He set the class of and was walking around helping students, he approached Emma and asked her if she was alright.

"Yes thank you" she lied with a fake smile but Professor Longbottom could see right through it.

"Emma can you go to Hagrid and ask him for some mushrooms"


In the house of Harry and Ginny Potter, there was a knock on the door "Mum" Harry was overly joyous whenever he saw his parents

"Hello Harry"

Ginny came down the stairs and spotted Lily "Hello Lily"

"Ginny you look wonderful"

"Thank you"

"James is with Sirius and Remus well you know what they're like" laughed Lily. They moved into the living room were Severus Snape was playing with the children "Sev" smiled Lily he stood up as Lily approached him

"Lily" he was expecting to be slapped, and he knew he deserved it when Lily raised her hand to his pale face but she just held her hand on his cold cheek. Tears started to role down her cheeks

"I thought about our fight every day" she had her arms tightly wrapped around him

"I am so sorry for what I said," he said earnestly

"Oh Sev we were both stupid children"


Emma entered the herbology classroom with a creat full of mushrooms "can you put them outside" Professor Longbottom asked as he followed her out the door "Emma what is wrong"

"Nothing Professor"

"You are going to have to do better than that to fool me, Emma, it's fine you can tell me" he crouched down to her hight

"I do not know what I saw but" Emma's voice trailed off as she knew how crazy she sounded but with a reassuring smile from her professor she continued the story of what she saw.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans. If you like the Emma Evergreen Series please vote. Please leave a comment as I am really wanting to improve on my writing and what to know what you what to see more of and what I need to improve on.

A big thank you to @Findmeinparis13 as she helped write Emma's Lullaby. Also, @FIREBOLT_BROOM_STICK asked to write a monologue about Emma in her book of monologues so keep an eye out for that. Please read the amazing works by @Findmeinparis13, @thelostvampiree and @FIREBOLT_BROOM_STICK, as they are amazing writers.

Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, whatever it is you celibate I am wishing you a happy and safe one and hopefully an amazing 2021. Thank you for the support this year I am truly thankful and appreciate it dearly. Love Niffy

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