Chapter 11 Something is not right

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Professor McGonagall turned the corner trying to find Hagrid the games-keeper, she found the frozen, bloody body of Emma, she quickly carried Emma to the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey was shocked at the state of Emma so Madam Pomfrey cleaned Emma, then disinfected and sewed up her wounds, put her in clean pyjamas and finally set her down in a warm bed and started to slowly warm her up. 

About a day later Emma started to wake up she was still tired and week. When Madam Pomfrey noticed that Emma was awake she ran over and said "what were you doing out in that cold you could have died" Emma just stayed quite.

Madam Pomfrey made Emma stay in the infirmary for several weeks and when she finely left she was called to Professor McGonagall's office. "what were you doing outside Emma?" she asked in a firm but concerned tone of voice. 

Lupin was standing behind her telling Emma what to say and after several minutes of silence Emma gave in "I am a werewolf I was bitten just the day before term started I was told not to tell anyone". 

McGonagall just stood up and put her arm around Emma's shoulder "you should have told me there is a potion you can take to make the transformations easier and you can stay in the Shrieking Shack so you are safe."

After the meeting ended Emma left her office and started to head towards Charms with Professor Flitwick when it all when dark.

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans. If you like the Emma Evergreen Series please vote so I know to carry on writing and share with friends please thank you much.

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