Chapter 25 The Dangers Of Being Alone

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Lupins P.O.V

I felt the snow under my body. I turned my head and saw James lay next to Lily 'oh Prongs'  I thought I turned my head and saw Dora her hair was as weight as the snow and she was lay close to me I kissed her forehead, Padfoot was nowhere.  We entered the kitchen before Teddy was awake laughing about the previous night's antics. We were in the kitchen drinking tea and I had just started to feel well after having some chocolate when Teddy fell into the kitchen. Dora ran over to him and all he said was "something has happened to Emma". Teddy told us how Dobby had flown in through his window and started acting weird.

 Everyone arrived at Greta's house and found it abandoned. They ran into the woods shouting for Emma. The snow was getting heavy and the sun was starting to hide behind some dark clouds when "MUM DAD" was herd at the bottom of a steep hill. James and Sirius were the first to reach the bottom of the hill as Tonks, Lupin and Lily stumbled down. Teddy's face was covered in cuts and mud he was crouched next to Emma her face was blue and her clothes were covered in blood. 

"We need to get her back home," said Lupin as he picked up her week body.

Lily's P.O.V

Remus lay Emma on to a bed as I told James to get me a bowl of hot water and lots of towels. Sirius rushed off to write a letter to Kingsley and Tonks found her sewing box in the attic, I got to work. Emma had a large wound from her right rib cage to her left hip as well as others. I did all I could with the limited amount of supply I had. She had internal bleeding and her arm was broken. She was slowly getting the colour back in her cheeks when I decided to join everyone down stairs in the living room.

The fire rose up as the bright green light filled the room and out Kingsley. He had a strong liking for Emma "I have spoken to Cora and Orson both are refusing to care for Emma anymore and with her grandmothers untimely passing she has nobody." Kingsley said softly.

"She can live here with us" offered Tonks and it was settled, Emma's home was with Teddy in the safety and warmth of the little cottage.

Emma's P.O.V

I do not know what happened. The last thing I remember was seeing the full moon. I slowly opened my eyes, my eyelids were heavy, my whole body hurt. I was in a small room that was softly lit with a single candle. I moved my head to the right and saw Teddy asleep on a small armchair. The door opened and Tonks crept in. She saw that I was awake and helped me to sit up as she was explaining everything. 

"Why didn't you write to tell us what happened" questioned Tonks

"I just felt so alone I was not sure on what to do," admitted Emma

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans. If you like the Emma Evergreen Series please vote so I know to carry on writing and share with friends and family. Please do not hesitate to leave a comment so I know what you liked about the chapter and what I need to improve on. Thank you so much.

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