Chapter 17 Happy Halloween

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Kingsley took Emma back to Hogwarts and Emma ran and ran. She must have ran down at least two hundred stairs until she reached the corridor to the Hufflepuff common room. As she turned the corner she saw Teddy at the other end of the corridor so she walked over to him. He was talking to a some of the boys in Emma's flying class when they saw Emma they whispered something to Teddy and walked away. Emma slowly approached him, thinking about what to say. "um, hi" she said quietly "Hi Emma" Responded Teddy with a big grin but Emma could see that it was fake "so um I need you to come with me, I mean you have to see something" Teddy just smiled "show me then" he said as he held out his hand, Emma grabbed it and took him to McGonagall's office where she had agreed to meet Kingsley.

They took some floo powder and the green flames engulf them. When they arrived all of the Weasley's are waiting in the dark living room of what used to be the old Order Of The Phoenix headquarters. Harry was there to Teddy crossed the room and started to talk to him as Andromeda entered, Emma, left the room and crossed to the hall to another room, she stuck her head around the door and gave a nod before reentering the living room.

A few seconds later and the room was full. Teddy turned around and saw his parents he could not believe his eyes as he ran over to them. They all embraced each other, Emma saw a tear trickle down Lupins face. Mollie was sobbing as they all hugged Fred. Bill Weasley was the first to speak "how are you alive?" then all eyes fell on to Kingsley who smiled and shrugged as he said, "You would be better of asking Emma but I am afraid she does not know either" and with this information, Mrs Weasley walked over to Emma and squeezed her so tight she thought her head would pop off.

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans. If you like the Emma Evergreen Series please vote so I know to carry on writing and share with friends and family. Please do not hesitate to leave a comment so I know what you liked about the chapter and what I need to improve on. Thank you so much.

Wow, this took forever sorry it took so long I have been stuck for ideas but next week I will hopefully make up of it.

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