Chapter 2 A hole in the wall

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Emma and Gretta stepped out into the busy London street. Gretta quickly hurried Emma into a pub, Emma only just caught the name it, it was called the Leaky Cauldron. Inside it was dark and musty and Emma could hear the drunken songs of the pub's patrons. "Well hello, I haven't seen you in hear for years Gretta," said Tom the landlord.

"It's nice to see you Tom but I am afraid I can not stay I need to take my granddaughter to get her supplies for her first year," said Gretta politely. 

They walked through the pub and though a back door then Gretta taped the bricks on the wall with her wand, they slowly parted revealing a brightly coloured hidden street. Emma was blown away at the sight of shops closely lined in rose next to each other and a beautifully paved cobblestone road in between the two rose. 

The first stop was Gringotts bank inside it was a tall hallway with glistering floors and shiny pillars and a glass ceiling. they walk up the row of goblins working hard on desks to the desk of the head goblin. "Good Afternoon I would like to make a withdrawal," said Gretta in a brave voice.

The head goblin stared at her for a couple of seconds then asked "do you have your key?" growled the head goblin and Gretta gave him her key "and I need your wand for confrontation" as instructed Gretta handed the head goblin her wand he examined it then handed it back "Yth take them to valt number 305"

Yth took them into an ancient cart that looked ready to fall apart at any moment. A short while later the three of them arrived at valt 305. CLUNK... the large iron door was slowly being opened by Yth. inside was filed from top to bottom in gold silver and bronze coins. Gretta put some of the coins in a small leather drawstring bag.

After they got out of Gringotts they got all of her supply's from the small coloured shops that lined Diagon Alley Emma fond her self drifting towards Olivanders as the last thing she needed was her wand. As she stepped into the small shop she was greeted by a small man with a large smile on his face. Gretta arrived just as the man was about to speak "I was wondering when I was going to see you I gave wands to your..." Just behind Emma Gretta shook her head and the man got the message "Your Grandmother was a tricky customer I am Mr Olivander".

The first wand she tried was Hawthorn with unicorn hair, then Willow with Dragon heartstrings, then Mahogany with Phoenix feathers. Emma thought that they tried every wand in the shop and Mr Olivander would not have any possessions left. "It is not this wand can it be?" said Mr Olivander in his small quiet voice "this is the first wand I made on my own... my... my farther hated me for making this wand he said that a wand could only be one and he refused to talk to me. it is Hawthorn and Willow with Unicorn hair, Dragon heartstrings and Phoenix feathers" as Mr Olivander said this Emma could see the ghost of his past flash in his eyes.

Soon the stopped at Eyelopes owl emporium "go on a pick an owl" said Gretta so Emma slowly started examining the owls and chose on a beige owl with a large wight breastplate large ears and saucer-like eyes. After she purchased the owl she walked down the road and went into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and she purchased a first-year set in it there are a small skiving snack box, sugar quills, instant darkness powder and some fake wands.

After getting home Emma decided to start reading some of her books when she came across a name Dobby the House Elf and with a little picture attached and he reminded her of her owl so that is what she called him Dobby.

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans.

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