Chapter 49 Duel In The Forest

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Madam Pomfrey made Emma stay in the infirmary for two more weeks after she woke up. Emma decided to spend the time trying to remember all she could from the memories and drew them in hopes of finding some answers. She also got regular visits from Teddy.

When she was allowed to leave she focused on her studies and quickly caught up with what she had missed. She also carried on playing quidditch and practising for the last match on the 25th of June.

With one week to go before the last quidditch match, Emma and Teddy were sat under the tree doing homework and anticipating the outcome of the match. A branch snapped just behind them.

Emma took off into the woods chasing whoever was in the woods, Teddy followed her Emma stopped in a small clearing in front of Daniel she immediately raised her wand.

"Expelliarmus" Emma shouted but he ducked out of the way "Nebulus" a thick fog quickly spread around them Emma grabbed Teddy by the arm and ducked behind a tree then she sent a Patronus message to McGonagall asking for help.

Not long after sending the message some of the order members, Professor Longbottom and McGonagall surrounded the clearing Daniel slowly turned around as Kingsley stepped forward to arrest him Emma let out a scream they were surrounded. Spells were flying, the ground was illuminated by the lights of the spells. Emma took a deep breath and stepped out from where she was hiding.

"Expelliarmus" Daniel cast at her hand but she like him dodged it

"EXPELLIARMUS STUPIFY FLIPENDO" Emma shouted each spell hitting him

After the duel, they captured all of Daniels followers but they could not find Daniel he had escaped but that didn't matter to Emma they were all safe.

Please remember that full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. Thank you for reading if you are enjoying it please vote and share. In this time now more than ever it is important that we check in with each other and help those less fortunate. Stay Safe love Niffy

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