Chapter 6 The Sorting

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It was late and Emma was tired after the 9-hour journey on the Hogwarts Express she was ready to fall on a bed and sleep. When she left the train and joined the other students on the platform she heard "Firs' years this way" being called a ginormous man Emma, figured that he was Hagrid he lead them to a bank of a great lake, with boats floating in a line they all climbed into the boats, Emma shared with Teddy and a girl with wavy black hair.

As the boats glided through the water Emma looked up and saw a majestic, grand castle a daunting feeling entered Emma's stomach but she smiled trying to push out the worrying feeling. As Emma and her new classmates approached the large wooden doors, they were greeted with a bight candlelit entrance hall that had a welcoming warmth. As they slowly shuffled forward they were met with the smiling face of a brown-haired man "Hello I am Professor Longbottom in a moment you will be sorted into your house, your house will be like your family good work and behaviour will urn your points but you will lose points for braking the rules and other bad behaviour, right please follow me." 

As Emma stepped through the large double doors she felt as if hundreds of eyes were focused on her as all of the first years scurried to the front of the great hall she and Teddy were standing shoulder to shoulder, she noticed that his hair was no longer turquoise but a shiny grey Emma found this confusing how his hair changed so quickly.

 "I am the cleaver old sorting hat from the head of dead Gryffindor now for the sorting will you be smart and creative enough for the blue tie of Ravenclaw or maybe kind and hard-working for the yellow scarf of Hufflepuff, perhaps ambitious and cunning for the green jumper of Slytherin or courageous and chivalrous to wear red for Gryffindor" sang a raggedy old hat that had burn marks around the rim of the hat that was sat on a stool in front of the teacher's table. 

Emma must have zoned out because soon she heard Evergreen Emma, the daunting feel had returned, she slowly reached the stool, she felt sick as the hat was slowly lowered on to her head, she heard "Well I have never seen a head such as yours, you are brave and ready to sacrifice your self for the ones you love, and you are loyal and creative but with all this comes cunning you poses strong quality's for any of the houses. So where do you want to go?" 

Emma replied with "I do not know" she realised that people were edging forward in their seats

"I do not think I have ever spent so long on a student in all the years I have been doing this. Your grandmother and parents went here where were they" Emma was confused as her parents were muggles, she said that her grandmother was in Gryffindor. And with this answer the hat called "GRYFFINDOR!!!" there was a tremendous amount of cheering coming from the Gryffindor table, so Emma got up and walk over to the table as she sat down she noticed that and old witch wearing green robes at the centre of the table was smiling at her whilst clapping.

Several people later and it was Teddy's turn as he approached the stool and had the hat lowered on to his head several people started to whisper. "Ah I remember both your parents, I see bravery and unquestionable loyalty and kindness you clearly belong in... HUFFLEPUFF" Teddy smiled in relief and sat down at the Hufflepuff table as its cheers echoed the room. 

The witch that was wearing green stood up and silence fell around the room "Welcome to everyone please remember that the forbidden forest is forbidden to all students, but I hope you have an enjoyable year of learning and making friends now let the feast begin"

After the feast was over Emma felt even more tired than she did before but during the feast, she learnt the names of all the professors, when all the food had disappeared Professor McGonagall stood up and said "As you all must be tired I will not keep you a moment longer, but you will be getting your timetables tomorrow at breakfast, prefects please lead your houses to there common rooms."

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans

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