Chapter 16 making a whole

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Emma had not resurrected anyone in three weeks, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, James and Lily were living at number 12 Grimmauld Place, until Kingsley could work out what to do. The full moon was fast approaching. Emma has been drinking the wolfsbane potion that Professor Slughorn had made all week and now Emma was wondering what she was going to say to the other girls. 

Emma with Madam Pomfrey escorting her, got to the whomping willow. When Emma reached the hole in the trunk she looked around to make sure nobody was there as she entered. Inside was a long dirty cobweb-infested passageway. "Lumos" and the passageway lit up Emma hurried along down it trying not to trip over the roots. When Emma reached the end of the passageway she raised her hands above her head and pushed the trap door open. She climbed through the hole and was greeted by an ice-cold breeze that cut through her like a knife. she shivered and quickly made her way up the broken stairs, she was revealed as she reached the top she felt relieved until she had to make her way across the landing she thought that she would fall through the floor. She got to a room with a bed in the corner of it felt like this was the warmest room. She curled up on the bed and fell asleep after another painful transformation.

Emma felt weightless like she was falling. She felt like she hit a hard brick floor. Emma opened her eyes and it was white everywhere. Had she died? Her grandmother was there and so was Fred Weasley who she had met earlier in the year. There were others there other people who she had met in the year her grandmother approached her and said "I love you." as she kissed her on the for hearing it suddenly got so bright as Emma felt she was being sucked back. She opened her eyes again and she was still in the shack and on the bed, she got on her cloak and went back to Hogwarts to have breakfast.

When she sat down she was not hungry so she just took some toast and retired to the library to do her homework but on her way there she blacked out. When she regained sight she was in a small field with two boys staring at her. The boys were both identical, "Emma" said Fred he was standing just opposite her "this is my brother George" he indicated to the other boy who had his mouth open so it looked like a draw bridge. 

"We should go to Kingsley" suggested Emma.

As they arrived in Kingsley's office, he took them to the kitchen of number 12 Grimmauld Place. "I think that we should tell your family and just your family" Said Kingsley to everyone sat around the table agreed.

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans. If you like the Emma Evergreen Series please vote so I know to carry on writing and share with friends and family. Please do not hesitate to leave a comment so I know what you liked about the chapter and what I need to improve on. Thank you so much.

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