Chapter 10 The full moon

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Emma had her plan all laid. Dinner had finished Emma headed left towards the front door "where you going?" asked Willow Young a muggle-born first year Gryffindor girl, thinking on her feet Emma said 

"I left my cloak in the library I am just going to get it" and she hurried on her way.

She finely reached the forest just before the sun had set she ran as far into the forest as she could. Emma found an open clearing when it happened it was so dark all that illuminating the clearing with a blue glow, was the risen moon, Emma felt an intense pain coursed through her it felt like her bones were moving Emma thought she was dying. The rest of the night was a blur.

When Emma regained consciousness the sun was starting to rise and the sky was purple as it reflects off the water, she was on the edge of the forest near the black lake the sand on the bank was wet and cold it got stuck to her skin she was socking she wanted to get inside as quick as possible to have a nice warm shower. She looked up and saw Lupin, she started to get up as he said "that's a lot of blood"

She looked down and noticed that she was covered in blood and her clothes were ripped "oh" Emma was to tried and week. Lupin put to and to together and worked out that nobody knew of her Lycanthropy he tried to encourage her to tell McGonagall all the way back up to the castle Emma could not carry on any more she was ready and excepting of death as she pushed open the large wooden door it all went blank, she could not hear or feel anything either.

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans. If you like the Emma Evergreen Series please vote so I know to carry on writing and share with friends please thank you much.

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