Chapter 50 The Last Match

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A week had past and Daniel had not shown up since so Emma decided to push it to the back of her mind, after all, it was the last quidditch match Griffindor against Slytherin.

Emma walks out on to the pitch with the rest of her team, on Madam Hooch's whistle everyone sawed up in the air, Emma flew around the pitch trying the spot the snitch. Both Slytherin beaters 'accidentally' sent their bats into the faces of Jeramy and John two of the chasers, this left Gryfindor more vulnerable as both were unable to play.

Emma spotted the snitch and dove for it, the Slytherins tried to hit her with their bats and send bludgers her way but she kept a level head, she swerved and dodged all their attempts to get her away from the snitch. Emma flew up and up into the sky she stretched out her hand and grabbed the snitch.

The match was over Gryfindor had won not just the match but also the quidditch cup. The celebrations lasted well into the night and they were still celebrating on Monday 

Please remember that full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. Thank you for reading if you are enjoying it please vote and share. In this time now more than ever it is important that we check in with each other and help those less fortunate. Stay Safe love Niffy

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