Chapter 37 The Match

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The storm started to calm down so Teddy and Emma took their chance and ran towards Hogwarts. They were soaked when they got into the warmth of the school and had to hurry to their dorms before Filtch the caretaker spotted them. Emma got her self dried and into a new uniform, she felt like she was being followed.

Emma got through the rest of the day, she sat down for dinner and Willow asked her where she had been all day. "Um, I had a meeting with Professor McGonagall" Emma smiled to reaffirm her lie.

"Are you excited for the match?" Arianwen asked

"Yes, it will be nice to get extra points of Gryffindor" Emma responded smiling.


Emma only felt sick in the morning but convinced herself that she was just nervous. She got through History of Magic where they were studying the Gargoyle Strike of 1911. She met up with Teddy in the courtyard, Emma started to feel dizzy and she went pale.


Emma quickly looked around the room and realised that she was at number 12 but unlike last time she was in compleat control of her body. Most of the other Order members were there. "You must not tell anyone outside of this room" Emma realised that it was Dumbledore who spoke. 

"She will learn about her parents and the plan how are we meant to explain all of it to her" questioned Remus.

"I know Remus, but it is for her safety, she will understand" As Dumbledore said this Emma felt like he was directly talking to her, the room was filled with a green light.


Emma was back in the courtyard "Emma are you ok" Teddy asked

"I had a vision, Dumbledore was telling some of the Order Members not to tell anyone about something" Emma felt fatigued

"Emma you should tell McGonagall about it this could be serious" Teddy was concerned about Emma they had a strong bond

"No, it's nothing" Emma was unsure on who to trust


Teddy kept trying to get Emma to tell someone about her visions, despite the consent distraction Emma managed to produce a successful forgetfulness potion. When potions ended TEddy had to go to herbology and Emma had to go-to defence against the dark arts "please just tell McGonagall" Teddy whispered in Emmas ear as he skidded down the hall.

Emma took her seat as Professor Creevey entered the classroom from his office "Today we will be learning about the Gytrash." The lesson ended and the students made their way to the study hall. Upon entering Emma and Teddy were handed slips of paper containing instructions for the homework that they were not in class to get.


Saturday finally came at 11 o'clock Emma was in her quidditch uniform listening to her captain give everyone a pep talk.

Emma P.O.V

I stepped out on to the pitch and treated with cheering and chanting. Madam Hootch went over the rules and said she wanted a clean game, then with a blow of her whistle the game started I did a few laps of the field trying to not catch the snitch to early "80 points to Gryffindor, 70 points to Hufflepuff" I could hear the commentator shout, I spotted the snitch and made a dive for it, when the sky turned grey and a coldness that cut through me like a knife fell over the pitch, the dementors were here Teddy and I shouted "Expecto Patronum"  both of our wolfs flew out of our wands and during everyone's confusion and the professors casting the Patronus charm Teddy and I made a dash for the snitch. Teddy was in the lead I thought I would lose when the snitch took a sharp turn that Teddy was not ready for I swiftly turned and caught it in my sweaty left hand.

Please remember that full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. Thank you for reading please vote and share if you enjoyed. I hope you enjoyed the quidditch match. I have a challenge for you: text, email, call, write a letter just communicate with someone you have not spoken to in a while you could brighten up their day. Thank you happy 2021 from Niffy

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