Chapter 8 What a week

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At last, Emma thought this day would never come it was Friday and it was her last lesson, Defence Against the Dark Arts this was her favourite lesson for shore. Emma took her seat at the front of the class and soon after Professor Creevey began his lesson. After it had ended all the students left and headed to their dorms, Emma had been having some trouble with a particular student Mertle Stride a Ravenclaw First year. It started, as usual, a bit of name-calling and Emma ignored it but this time Mertle went too far, she tripped Emma up and as the photo fell out of Emma's bag Mertle picked it up and started it rip it. Emma begged her not to, just in time Professor Longbottom came round the corner and snatch the photo out of Mertles hand and sent her away with a detention, then he helped her up and gave her the contents of her bag that had spilled all over the floor "If she tries anything again you must tell someone never let your self get pushed around" said Professor Longbottom, Emma thanked him and when on her way. As it was still light outside and Emma did not feel like going to her dorm she when outside and decided to sit under the tree that overlooked the lake to do her homework.

When she got there Dobby landed next to her and nestled on her lap. Emma was disappointed as Dobby still had not returned with a reply from her Grandmother even though she had sent the letter on Monday. Emma felt a sudden chill in the air, she felt like someone was watching her...

Emma slid her wand out of her robe sleeve and quickly stood up whilst turning around this caused her to lose her balance. 'Great Emma, what a way to make sure this man knows that you are not to be messed with. NOT!' thought Emma but she kept her composure "who are you?" she asked him but she got no reply instead the man just looked around Emma asked again. He finally got the hint that she was talking to him. He was a tall, slender man with brown hair that had specks of grey in it, he also had a small moustache and three scars across his pale face, Emma recognised him but could not remember where from. 

"You can see me?" ask the man clearly shocked, 

"Of course I can why couldn't I?" said Emma slowly putting down her wand. 

"Let me explain." said the man softly "My name is Remus Lupin but you can call me Lupin, I died during the second war. My son is in your year, Edward Lupin I do not know why or how you can see me, Emma but be careful something dangerous is coming." Lupin said this so softly Emma felt calm. 

"How do you know my name?" Asked Emma.

 "I met you once when you were just a baby."

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans

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