Chapter 7 The Start of Term

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As the whole of the new first-year Gryffindors climbed the stairs up to the common room Emma spotted the other house, they were waiting for the stairs to move. When they finally got to Gryffindor tower, they stopped in front of a portrait of a fat lady, Emma was still getting used to life in the wizarding world so she was shocked when the prefect stopped and said "Treacle tart" and with a smile, the fat lady opened up.

Inside was a large room with beige bricks and a red tapestry decorated with flowers and animals covered the walls. there was a big fireplace that illuminated the room it had the Gryffindor crest over it. The paintings like the Fat Lady were all moving and greeting the students.

Emma finely got to her dorm she found her trunk in front of a four post bed, she saw three other trunks, she looked over to the door and three girls came in laughing. Emma smiled and introduced herself, after all the girls introduced themselves they got into their pyjamas, Emma could not sleep she kept thinking about the photo and letter from her Grandmother.

Emma woke early the next morning, it was still dark outside so Emma sat on the window seat and looked out onto the courtyard, before she knew it the sun was starting to rise, the other girls rose with it. So they all got changed into their robes and went to go down to breakfast in the Great Hall.

When she arrived she was stuck for what to have first but one of the girls she shared the dorm with called Cara Boot offered her some fried sausages, after Emma had eaten so much she felt like she was going to explode, owls started to swarm the great hall Dobby flew straight down and landed right on Emma's shoulder he was acting very strange, very skittish but Emma put it down to him never making a long journey before, she opened the note attached it read 'I love Emma, You are loved so very much, goodbye my love'. Emma was confused at what this message meant but she did not have paper or quill so she decided that she would wright back after she got back up to the dorm. 

Emma finished her tea as she turned to go to the dorm she was greeted with a piece of paper shoved in front of her nose. It was her time table she looked to see what she had today

9:00-10:00 Potions, Professor H.Slughorn                                                                                                      

11:30-12:30 Transfiguration, Professor M.McGonagall                                                                              

12:30-13:30 Defence Against the Dark Arts, Professor D.Creevey                                                          

14:30-15:30 Charms, Professor F.Flitwick                      

She was so excited she was being taught by some of the best teachers in the world. She looked at her watch and realised that she did not have time to write the letter to her Grandmother she had to get to potions.

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans

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