Chapter 4 The adventure of a lifetime

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When Emma woke up her head was pounding and she had not stopped bleeding so she snuck downstairs and grabbed her mum's sewing kit and returned to her room. she lit her candle to heat up the needle and started to sew up her wound when she heard a knock at her door. Thinking quickly she shouted "just a minute I have no clothes on" 

She promptly locked the door when she heard "Alohomora" than standing in the doorway was Gretta, saw the blood on her arm she went as white as a sheet and in a shaky voice she said "What the hell happened to you?" almost crying Emma told her grandmother "You... You... are a werewolf just make it out of the castle by nightfall and tell nobody do you understand"  at this news, Dobby started hooting like mad. 

"Yes grandma," said Emma in ashamed like way.

After Emma had her breakfast of eggs and bacon she went back upstairs to check that she had everything packed. Then got ready to embark on her new adventure. She said goodbye to her parents then started loading her trunk and Dobby in his cage into her car and they made their way to Kings Cross Station.

After the long journey, they finely arrived with 15 minutes to spear. So they ran through the busy station to the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Gretta grabbed Emma's hand as they ran at the barrier Emma shut her eyes tight expecting to feel the painful force of hitting barrier but it never came when she opened her eyes she was on a new platform.

Platform 9 3/4 was busy with children and parents trying to get heavy trunks on to a majestic red steam train. Emma saw her grandmother started talking to a brown hared woman how introduced herself as Andromeda Tonks and standing next to her was a young boy about Emma's age and he had deep green eyes and messy turquoise hair and a kind smile. "Hi I'm Teddy," he said in a quiet voice Emma smiled back and introduced her self. When it was time to board the train Emma hugged her grandma and said goodbye.

DISCLAMER: I do not own the characters full rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. I am just a fan wright fan fiction for other fans.

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