New Assistant

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AN/ So I updated, eventhough I don't get comments, I get votes so thank you for voting :p I'd like some comments though, I ask questions in AN at the bottom, either answer or vote you know but I'd like to know what you think about my story, don't be silent readers :p Also you can comment a stroy you are writing and I'll most likely read it since I sort of have no life and spend my time on here :p UP to the story. Dedication because well you always vote and it makes me smile :p


My whole vacation had gone by without another word form Luke, I texted him everyday but only once a day to remind him I did like him only to never get a reply.

“Michael!” Mr. H calls as he walks into my office on Monday morning, I was drinking my coffee and staring at my laptop screen intently trying to finish this last report he needed.

“The report will be done in a few minutes sir.” I tell him, anxious because I’m never late for a report I had to finish it this vacation but with Luke and Blond Quiff being on my mind I didn’t do it.

“Calm down Michael, I need to tell you something.” Mr. H says, my fingers freeze their constant ticking as I look up at him. I looked over at the desk that used to be Irene’s she was my assistant. Yes I was head of this department and the boss his right hand man so I needed an assistant. Mr. H caught me looking at her empty desk.

“I had to fire Irene, apparently I got a report that she had been on the top floor in my house.” Mr. H told me, I nodded understandably, we were never to go up the stairs in his house at the party.

“My son Ben is showing my youngest around today, the kid needs a job and I’m sure he could be of help while we look for a replacement. Don’t go easy on him because he’s my son, the boy needs to man up. He’ll be here in like half an hour, if you aren’t done with your report tell the kid to stay outside and shut up until you are done.” Mr. H says to me, I nod and then look back down.

“Also, here are your sticky notes.” He says, now cheery as he puts a whole box of them on my desk I smile at them and thank him.

“Like the new hair by the way!” He says as he exits, I’d gotten a lot of looks as I walked in this morning but I didn’t care for that much. I made sure to at least wear a shirt and tie to match my hair just for today.

“Mr. Clifford?” I assume Ben asks as he knocks on my door, my papers were printing so I called for Ben and the little H man to come in.

“Mr. Clifford, this is my little brother. I assume my dad told you he was coming to work here.” Ben says.

“Please Ben, call me Michael.” I tell him as I turn around, not a lot of people called me Michael since I was so high up in the office. I widen my eyes as I spot the ‘boy’ standing next to Ben. His eyes must have matched mine but I shook my head and grabbed the papers, not letting Ben see my surprise.

“Sorry, Michael.” Ben mutters.

“Don’t apologize, I’m just finishing of this report for the boss, please take a seat.” I tell him, he does and pulls Luke with him. Yes Luke, Luke fucking Hemmings, my little Penguin was my Boss’ youngest son. I gave a blowjob to my boss’ son!

“I’ve shown Luke around the office, you kind of just have to boss him around like you did with Irene.” Ben tells me. I chuckle as I start putting my little sticky notes in the report, writing my thoughts on them.

“I didn’t boss her around, she just simply did everything I said.” I tell him, she did though I asked her to do things but sometimes I’d joke and tell her to get me a coffee and she’d go. She knew my startbucks order, yes I drink starbucks but just to wake up, and my Maccas order too. Of course I got so used to it and she was my assistant that I’d probably die if Luke, being my new assistant didn’t do that for me.

“That’s because she had a crush on you.” Ben states, I look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

“You’re so oblivious Mr. Clifford. She was constantly looking at you through the glass.” Ben told me.

“I’d prefer if you’d have kept that to yourself Mr. Hemmings.” I tell him, glaring at him.

“Sorry sir.” He mutters, this is why I liked Ben, I’ve met him and Jack and Jack thinks he’s better than me even if I outrank him. Because he’s the boss’ son, well Ben knew when to shut up and Ben knew his manners.

“I’d say there’s no worries about the new guy, but there is. I’m sure Luke’s blush is because he fancies you.” Ben then says, I look up at Luke to find him blushing and biting down on his lip nervously as he stared at his feet.

“A little underdressed aren’t we Luke?” I ask him, I just wanted him to look up at me. He didn’t though, he just nodded.

“Manners Luke!” Ben says, punching Luke on the arm.

“Sorry Mr. Clifford.” Luke mutters, I remembered that Luke said he hated me suddenly. I was the Michael he hated, the Michael that made him believe his dad would accept him.

“It’s fine for today, I expect you to be in a suit tomorrow and no beanies inside.” I tell him, trying to be stern with him, he nodded quickly.

“Yes sir.” He mutters his apology.

“Did you show him all around ,inform him of what he’d be doing as my assistant?” I ask Ben, finishing off the report.

“I told him he’d basically be getting you papers, coffee and food.” Ben says with a laugh, Luke looks up shocked I guess because Ben just laughed like that.

“Aaaah food, I sure would like a snack. I should show Luke where to get my coffee and Maccas.” I tell Ben, Ben nods and then looks around.

“Here’s the report for Bossman, Ben would you mind taking it to him?” I ask Ben, he nods and grabs it.

“My dad sure does like your little sticky notes. He told me he’d not make sense out of these if it wasn’t for you. Sometimes I fear he’d leave the business to you when he retires.” Ben says laughing, I laugh along with him.

“Well I’d rather it go to you than to Jack, at least you’d not make me call you Mr. Hemmings, and you don’t call me Mr. Clifford or sir unless I tell you to.” I tell him, he shrugs.

“If I get the place, trust me you’d be running the place and I’d just look like I knew what I was doing.” Ben says, he nods at me and opens the door to my office.

“You’re new kid, don’t let his kindness get to you. Don’t fall in love because Michael doesn’t like little boys and please don’t embarrass us. Dad is already furious that you didn’t wear a suit, you need to impress Mr. Clifford if you want to stay.” Ben says to Luke before closing the door. I fold my hands over the table and look at Luke, who was doing his best to look at anything but me.

AN/ who's uspet about the lack of smut? Lol JK!!


Who didn't see it coming that Luke would be working for Michael? The story is called Cliche for a reason :p ANYWHORE! Do you think Luke will still like Michael now he knows who Michael is? And will Michael just leave Luke be since he's his boss' son? How do you think Mr. H will feel when he finds out? IF he finds out? How do you feel about Michael actualy entrusting his life to Ashton? (should have been a question in the last chapter but OW WELL)??

I could do a character asks but well nobody ever comments so I'm not doing it since nobody would have questions :p 

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