How old are you?

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When Monday morning rolled by, Luke hadn’t texted and Ashton told me Calum still had the present because Luke hadn’t calmed down. So I decided to call in sick for work and I said I’d work from home. Which I did, I did my work as I lay in bed. I got the whole week off if only I made sure I worked from home. I sent him everything and even got more done than I thought I would, the next week Luke acted like a total dick to me and I understood. I tried talking to him about it, to see if we were still together but all he said was that we would get through it. I sure hope we get through it.

I was in my bed, worried about Luke being at that party, I didn’t know if he was still going but Ashton texted me that Calum went, I’d almost dozed off to sleep when suddenly my phone started ringing.

“Hello?” I ask with a yawn.

“M-Michael!” a voice called, I looked at the ID and sat up when I read it was Calum.

“Calum, what happened?” I ask him.

“It’s Luke! He, we’re at the party and loads of guys made fun of us for being gay and shit and Luke ran off crying. I looked everywhere but I can’t find him and, and I heard somebody say some guy took the fagot upstairs. Michael I know you’re fighting but please, please come here.” Calum begs me, little did he know that as soon as he said Luke’s name I was up and getting dressed. Ran a hand through my newly dyed hair as I walked out of my door.

“Text me the address Cal.” I tell him, then I hang up, driving over to Ashtons place.

“ASH!” I yell as I bang on his door, he opens the door shocked.

“Get dressed, sexy. We’ve got boyfriends to safe.” I tell him, he looks shocked and nods at me. HE comes back wearing skinny black jeans with brown boots, a ripped tank top and a bandana in his wavy hair. I was wearing black biker boots, black skinnies and a blue flannel with the sleeves rolled up to show my biceps, I’d only done a few of the buttons up since I couldn’t be bothered with the rest, showing of some of my chest. And my new tattoos, I had 3 lines on my arms done, 1 for every person in my life I loved, the biggest line being for Luke, I just hadn’t had time to tell him yet.

“Here.” Ashton says, tossing me a set of keys.

“I rode here in my car.” I tell him.

“Trust me Michael.” Ashton says, he walks me to the back of his house and I press the unlock button. A dark blue camaro ferarri beeped and I smiled at him as he got into a black Bugatti Veyron.

“I’ll text you the address!” I tell him.

“Follow me I dropped Cal off earlier.” Ashton says, I nod and thus we drove off. People stared at us as we parked right outside the house, I stormed in and looked for Calum.

“Wow who’s that guy!”

“Shit he’s hot!”

“Fuck me right in the pussy.” I heard as I pushed past people. I did my best to look hot in the amount of time I had. I even put in my eyebrow piercing.

Ashton pulled Calum up to me and held onto him tightly, Calum was crying and told me he couldn’t find Luke.

I stood up on a table and smashed a vase against the wall, everybody shut up immediately.

“I’m looking for Luke Hemmings! Anybody that knows where he is better tell me before all hell breaks loose!” I yell at the crowd, there’s a few murmers around.

“You broke my mom’s vase!” I guy shouts at me.

“If I don’t find my boyfriend I’ll break some noses! And if I hear anybody call me a fag or him ever again I will find you and I will beat you up so bad your own mom won’t recognize your face. Now WHERE IS HE!” I yelled.

“Upstairs! Third door on the right.” A voice called, I jumped off of the table and ran up the stairs walking in to find a guy pulling Luke’s shirt of and Luke was crying my name.

I walked up to the guy and pulled him off of Luke.

“How old are you?” I ask him.

“18, what the fuck you doing man cockblock?” he asks me.

I punch him right in the face and felt his nose break, as my fist collided with it. Luke was pulling his shirt back on when I looked up at him.

“Give me your hand Luke.” I tell him, he nods quickly and grabs my hand, I pull him out of the room, dragging the guy with the broken nose behind me.

People were staring up the stairs as I walked back.

“ANYBODY ELSE WANT TO FUCK WITH MY BOYFRIEND?” I yell at them, throwing the guy down the stairs, he rolled down them and landed on the floor with a thud.

“Michael!” Luke exclaimed, I pull him against me and kissed him roughly. He pressed his hands against my chest and his fingers made my naked skin tingle. His lips molded perfectly with mine and I knew we were ok when he jumped up and I grabbed his ass.

“Take me home Mr. Clifford.” Luke moans against my lips as he grabbed a hold of my hair.

“Like blue by the way.” He says to me.

“Let’s get you home and I wanna fuck your brains out.” I groan to him, walking down the stairs as I go.

“Ow shit that’s so hot.” A girl mutters as we walk past.

“I’ve missed you so much.” I tell him.

“I’ve missed you to, I’m so sorry.” Luke whispers to me, I remove my lips from his as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

AN/ Aww Michael and Ashton went to save their boyfriends! More cars Ashton, really? Michael looks so hit in flannels ok! Poor Luke and Calum were made fun of but Michael came to save the day! Yeah beat that guy up Michael! Who loves angry Michael, can I get a vote for sexy angry Michael? 

What is going to happen next chatper? Is Michael going to take Luke home? Is the MukeSex finally going to happen? What could possibly be a reason for Michael and Luke to not go to Michaels houe and do the dirty? 


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