Character Answers Michael, Luke, Charming

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Couldn’t you remember where you’d seen Luke before when you were at the target? – Yeah I did, I recognized him from the shop where I got my suite for the masquerade.

Were you hitting on Ashton? – What! NO! I was being nice to him, it was a friendly gesture. Plus I was lonely and in need of an actual friend, who better than the guy that has enabled my Maccas addiction for 8 years?

Did you miss Luke when you had to get back to work? – OF COURSE! I wished that he’d text me every day, and I went to bed disappointed every night. I don’t even know how I survived that long without talking to him and seeing his pretty little face!

Are you sure you don’t like one more than the other, between Luke and BQ? – I’m not sure, I really like Luke, like a LOT! But BQ just has this thing about him you know, the need to need him.

Are you Scared Mr. H will find out? – Well yes because I don’t know what he’d do, he could make Luke break up with me. I want to tell him and I want him to be ok with Luke and I, but I won’t do anything Luke doesn’t want me to do.

Why did you hope Luke still had a crush on you? – Well because I like him very much and he did ignore me for a whole week and I turned out to be the Michael he actually hates. So maybe he didn’t like me anymore, I knew he didn’t hate me but still, he might not like me.

Did your mother do something bad, and is that why you don’t talk to her often? – My mom and I don’t have the best relationship. She’s there when I need her to be but we both keep our distance and she understand why I distanced myself from her.

Are you in love with Luke? – Well yeah I guess I am, I don’t like it though. I’ve not felt this way in a while and with how I think about BQ sometimes it’s just breaking my heart because Luke deserves so much better than me.

Were you sad that Luke didn’t text you all day? – Yeah, and upset but mostly worried you know. Because I wanted to know if he was ok :s

Which voice in your head do you agree with most? – The good one, telling me that I was cheating on Luke and this was bad. Because I feel so guilty about what happened and I like Luek soo much, I can’t risk losing him he’s the best thing to ever happen to me.

What are you going to do about Charming? Are you going to forget him so you can only be with Luke? – Of course, what happened with Charming will not ever happen again. Luke is the one for me you know, I want Luke and only Luke. So Charming can go F himself because I’ll do anything to make Luke mine.


Is that you buying your suit to be BQ at the Masquerade? – Hmm, what? Where did you see me buying a suit? My parents are rich AF don’t you think I own 15 million suits? :p

What did you gasp at? – I found the guy very very hot and the hair just startled me because it looked so good.

What did you tell Calpal – That the SexyStranger had given me a boner and I needed to get out of the target asap!!!!

What were you embarrassed about? – Because I acted like a fricking socially awkward weirdo in front of the hottest guy I’ve ever seen!! I was blushing like crazy and CalPal kept calling me Lucifer and was laughing at me!! WHY WAS I SITTING IN THE CART LIKE A FRICKING 5 YEAR OLD, ugh why’d he have to see me like that L

Why were you looking at Michael all puzzled? – Because I couldn’t figure out how such a handsome guy was actually talking to Calum and me?

How do you really feel now you know your sexy stranger is the Michael you actually hate? – Well I’m upset about it, but I can’t hate Michael, I mean it would have taken me longer to like him if I knew who he was at first or I’d have denied it but I liked him before I found out and that overpowers the hate. I can’t be mad at him for something he can’t help, it’s actually my dad’s fault you know, I just always blamed Michael before.

Would you have talked to Michael again someday? (if you hadn’t seen him again in your dad’s office?) – Well I literally had to force myself not to text him again, it was really hard and I think I would have lasted like 2 weeks more MAX of not talking to him.

Are you scared of your dad finding ouy about you and Michael? – YES! He’s have my balls cut off and put them in a fricking JAR! I swear to god my dad can NEVER find out, I’d literally shit and piss myself!

Were you good surprised or bad surprised to see Michael at the office? – GOOD of course! I was missing how voice and his smile, his amazing eyes…. (sigh lovingly thinking about Michael)

What did you tell your dad when Michael had you waiting outside his office? – I told him Michael got a phonecall and suddenly he got really angry. My dad seemed to understand which is worrying because that means Michael gets this angry more often :s

Do you have any ideas for Michael’s nickname? – NOOOO OMGaws :s I’m so bad at nicknames :s

Are you in love with Michael? – YES! SO SO VERY IN LOVE! I just don’t know if he feels the same, he’s all grown up and stuff and he probably just sees me as a flirt, he’ll get enough of me soon enough and then he’ll forget about me when he’s got a new assistant.

Are you charming? – Am I who?

What is the real reason you didn’t go to work? – I was sick! Most of the morning, after that I had a nap and then well I guess I just chilled out because I couldn’t go to work for only half a day…..

Are you even really sick? – Well I’m a bit sick, not like deadly ill… Why does it sound like you’re accusing me of something?


Why did you leave the party? – Well it was time for me to go, I couldn’t stay there all night. I had places to be, people to see,…

Were you somebody’s plus one? – Nope.

How did you know the guy you met at the Masquerade was Michael? – Well because I looked for him, it wasn’t hard to find the only other gay guy working in the building, one that likes to dye his hair might I add... That galaxy hairdo was way out there and so hot. PLUS I’d remember those eyes and perfectly shaded pink lips anywhere, wouldn’t you?

Are you Luke? – Luke? Ehm pfft what? NO! Where’d you get that idea?

Why do you wear a mask, why not show Michael your real face? – Now where’s the mystery and fun in that?

Why did you come back now and here? Did you know Michael would be alone? – Everybody knows Mr. Clifford works overtime a lot, all you have to do is stand in the middle of the building and look up, if you know what level you’re looking for then it’s easy to spot the little bit of light reflecting from the glass railings. Pure sciene, sort of :p  Plus somebody might have informed me unintentionally about him being all alone, but I keep my sources secret.

What did you mean with ‘Giving up one means getting them both’? – Well you can see what I meant, I mean that sometimes when you give up on something it doesn’t mean it’s lost forever.

Are you planning on coming back anytime soon? – Well I want Michael to be happy, and if Luke makes him happy then ok. BUT have you seen Michael? Who can stay away from my cute Cinderella. 

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