Luke, my poor Luke

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"Michael!" A voice yelled, I didn't reply all I did was stare at my wall. I didn't quite know how long I'd been here but I knew I'd ran out of tears.

"Michael? Oh my gosh what happened?" Ashton says, his face blocking my few of my wall.

"Luke... My poor Luke!" I mutter.

"What happened to Luke?" Calum asks, he was now in front of my face.

"I did, I happened." I reply, still looking ahead of me.

"Michael, what happened?" Ashton asks me.

"I happened! I ruin lives." I tell him.

"Michael, get out of bed, you stink! We have to leave in 5 hours and you haven't been answering our calls? Have you even packed?" Calum asks me.

"Can't go, can't face Luke." I mumble, I can't look at his beautiful face and tell him what happens. I can't ruin this vacation for him.

"OK, this is ridiculous, get out of bed and get a shower. We'll pack for you." Ashton says.

"Luggage in guest room." I tell him, he nods and leaves.

"Not going." I say, Calum comes to sit in front of me and looks at me sadly.

"What happened Michael? Luke will be really upset if you don't show up." Calum tells me.

"Luke doesn't know I'm supposed to be there." I tell him.

"True but Ashton, Jack, Ben and I will be upset." Calum tells me.

I suddenly feel the blanket get pulled off of me and Ashton gasps.

"Michael, who did this to you?" Ashton asks, I can feel a finger on my hip and I see Calum trying to keep his eyes on my face, yes I was still naked.

"Charming." I mutter, Calum was pulled out of the way and Ashton was staring at me worriedly.

"Charming?" He asks me.

"Came in here, handcuffs, said no but it felt so good. Yet it felt so bad, I feel bad. I feel gross and disgusting, Luke shouldn't be with me." I tell him.

"Charming, raped you?" Ashton asks me, his eyes going even wider.

"Sort of, I said no but I said yes. Hard to explain. Everything hurts Ashton, my heart it hurts so much. Can't do this to Luke, have to break up." I whisper, finally moving my eyes. They stung, they hurt like hell and I kept my eyes closed for a few minutes.

"Michael, he hurt you." Ashton whispers, I feel fingers run through my hair and I nodded.

"Luke will understand Michael." Calum tells me, I shake my head.

"He doesn't feel like I love him with all my heart, how will this make him feel any better about us?" I ask him.

"When did this happen?" Ashton asks me.

"Night before Luke left, flight early." I tell him.

"That was 2 days ago, have you been here for 2 days?" Ashton asks me, I nod.

"Get a shower Michael, we're getting on that plane and we're going on vacation." Ashton tells me.

"No, no I can't face Luke. I can't see him hurt, hurt because of me." I tell him.

"Fuck this Michael, I've already seen you naked so there's not much more you can hide from me" Ashton then says, he grabs my arms and pulls me out of the bed. He's pretty strong for being a short lad like he is. I didn't struggle when he pushes me down into the shower and started washing my hair. I didn't complain as he soaped me up and rinsed me off, I didn't complain as he wrapped a towel around me and dragged me back to my room. Nor was I complaining when him and Calum put boxers and sweats on me, my favorite black and white striped sweater and my converse after pulling plain black socks on my feet. I didn't complain as they dragged me out of the house and into Ashtons car, or when I got pushed into the back seat. Calum put my suitcases in the trunk and then Ashton sped off once Calum was in the passenger seat. I didn't bother with a seatbelt, and I didn't speak up when my stomach was growling, I didn't eat when food got offered to me and I didn't drink either.

"Michael you've got to move! Or talk! Anything!" Calum begs me.

"I'm worthless." I mutter, I look out of the window as Ashton reluctantly dragged me through air port security, again without me fighting against him. It was no use, I was going to have to face Luke one day and I just want to kiss him one more time before tearing his heart out and stomping on it. Then giving him mine in return because he owns my heart and I didn't deserve to own his.

"MICHAEL!" Ashton yells at me, I blink and look at him, he was trying to get my belt on in the plane, I don't even remember getting on the plane.

"Is your friend ok?" Somebody asks.

"Just a fear of flying is all." Calum lied.

"I'm a mistake." I say to Ashton, then I look out of the plane window.

"No you're not, come on Michael. Try to sleep." Ashton says.

I didn't sleep, I didn't drink and I didn't eat, I didn't deserve to get anything that made me feel better. I was hungry and tired and my mouth felt dry, this is how I was supposed to feel. My ass still hurts and so do my hips, the indents still there, my eyes hurt and my wrists hurt, still showing a little red line.

I didn't fight against them as Calum pulled me off of the plane and when I got pushed into the rental car.

"Is he ok?" Ben asks.

"Something happened, don't ask." Ashton warns him, I blink a few times, my tummy rumbling.

"You hungry there Michael?" Ben asks with a chuckle. I didn't reply.

"Michael! We're here." Calum whispers, I look out of the car in time to see Luke run to the car from the cabin, his eyes met mine and the smile on his face made me cringe but I put on the biggest fake smile I could. One last kiss and then it'll be over, I'll break up with him and leave. I'll quit my job and run away, away to a place where I can't hurt anybody else.

"MICHAEL!" Luke screams as I step out of the car, he runs up to me and wraps his arms around me. His lips press against mine and as the sparks fly I feel every inch of my body hit overdrive. I grabbed his waist and pulled him against me, my lips moving against his in a rush, in need. My eyes closed and the stinging sensation stopped just for a bit as new tears welled up. 'Give it your all Michael, this is the last one' a voice in my head called to me. As Luke pulled away so did all my adrenaline and before I knew it everything went black and I heard Luke scream my name, pain and worry coating his voice.

AN/ So I'm sorry about not updating yesterday, my laptop kept freezing up and I just didn't want to risk anything!! Here's the update though ^^

What do you think will happen next? Will Michael break up with Luke? Will he tell Luke about what happened? How will Luke deal with all of this? Will Charming ever come back??

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