I did something terrible

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I hardly slept so instead of getting up at 7, I got up at 6 and went to the Maccas for breakfast there. I needed advice, and I knew Ashton would help. I think Ashton lives close to the Maccas because he’s basically there all the time.

“Hey Mr. Clifford!” Ashton says as he sees me, him calling me that reminded me of Luke calling me that, damn Luke. What am I going to do?

“Wow there, hey are you ok?” Ashton asks, he steps out from behind the counter after giving my order, because well he knew it better than I did.

“I did something terrible Ashton.” I tell him, feeling tears come up again. I normally never cry, I didn’t let myself cry but now I was crying and it’s like I didn’t care.

“Tell me what happened.” Ashton says, he pushes me into the booth and then sits next to me.

“Last night, I was working late and Blond Quiff showed up. He was wearing the tux and the mask that he wore at the party.” I start my story.

“Ok?” Ashton asks.

“He gave me a blowjob, at my desk, and I enjoyed it. I feel so guilty towards Luke.” I admit, Ashton looked shocked and he just sat and blinked at me for a few moments.

“OH MY GOD!” Ashton then yelled, somebody brought over my food and Ashton nodded at the guy, not like he needed to explain the fact he was on a break.

“Are you sure it actually happened? Like maybe it was a dream?” Ashton asks me.

“No I know it happened because I’ve hardly slept and euh there wasn’t anything in my boxers.” I tell him.

“Ow, well euh. Are you going to tell Luke about it?” Ashton asks me.

“Charming told me it was better to and I know I’d feel too guilty about it. I just don’t want to break his heart, he’s so young and innocent. He doesn’t deserve to get his heart broken, what if I’m his first heartbreak? He told me he’s kissed a boy before but he’s never said anything about a previous relationship.” I shiver at the thought of being his first heartbreak, hurting him in general is already a very displeasing thought.

“Charming?” Ashton asks.

“It’s what he told me to call him, he called me Cinderella.” I whisper, feeling a blush come up as I smile a little. I was NOT a princess but when he called me Cinderella it made me feel like he was my Prince Charming.

“Aww that’s so cute! I didn’t see you as the princess type.” Ashton says, nudging my shoulder and sipping my milkshake.

“I’m not, but it seems like whenever Charming is there I’m everything I’m not, yet I don’t seem to mind it.” I huff.

“Shouldn’t you be getting to work soon?” He asks me.

“Shouldn’t you be working?” I ask him, he shrugs.

“I own the place, not like I have to work.” Ashton says, I look him over in shock.

“How old are you?” I ask him.

“26.” He says with a shrug.

“Wow, and you own a Maccas?” I ask him.

“Yes I do, my dad owned it, well he owns multiple businesses. I own multiple businesses since he died. All the Maccas in this city are actually mine, I just chose to work here.” He admits to me.

“Wow, well I didn’t see that coming.” I say to him, he shrugs.

“I should head to work but I just had to get some advice, what if Luke’s back today?” I ask him.

“Then tell him, you obviously feel bad about it.” Ashton says.

“I don’t want to see him hurt, I can’t see him cry.” I whisper.

“Michael, if you really care about Luke you’ll tell him and don’t leave out how guilty you feel about it.” Ashton says, I nod and head out to work, I fixed my tie and blazer as I walked into my office.

AN/ DO you think Michael hould tell Luke? Do you think it was smart for Michael to tell Ashton? What do you think about Ashton being a rich as besh owning macca and shizz?

VOTE/COMMENT/Don't be a silent reader 

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