I hope it haunts you.

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I felt like I was being torn apart by horses, everything ached as I cried in Calums arms.

"Let's get you inside Luke." Calum whispers to me, I didn't reply, I didn't do anything so Calum picked me up and carried me inside. He carried me up to my room and I frowned when seeing a little box on the bed. Did Michael forget something?

"I'll just put you in bed." Calum whispers to me, he puts me down in the bed and pulls my shoes off, I curl up into a ball and inhale. It smelled like him, a part of me wanted to get out of the bed and sleep somewhere else but another part of me begged for me to savor it as long as I could. How would I have kissed him if I knew it would be our last kiss, how would I have pleased him if I knew it would be my last chance. How would I have looked at him, knowing the next time I see his face it would be blank and not smiling at me. How do I go to work on Monday with this pain in my chest? Maybe I should quit, I could quit I guess I mean my dad doesn't want me there anyways.

"Luke sweetie are you ok?" I look up and see Ashton was back he ran his fingers through my hair but I backed away from him.

"I can't believe you did that to him Luke, but seeing you both so broken it's making me cry." Ashton says, a tear rolling down his cheek. So Michael looked broken? Well of course he did, he found out his boyfriend was a twofaced liar. Who wouldn't be broken?

"Come on Ash, I'm sure he'd like to be alone." Calum says, he pulls Ashton up but before they leave Ashton looks over at me.

"Michael was in love with you since day 1, he told me he didn't want to give up what you and he had for some guy in a mask. You're one of my best friends Luke but you disgust me, nobody is going to love you as much as Michael did. Telling him the truth would have hurt way less, what you did was wrong and you being so broken is exactly what you deserve for doing what you did to Michael. I hope you remember the way he looked at you and I hope it haunts you." Ashton tells me, he glares at me and I can see Calum trying to figured out if he should stay with me or go with Ashton. I know Calum disliked how Ashton talked to me but I deserved it just like Ashton said. I deserved to be hurt and Michael deserved to be happy.

I didn't get out of the bed for the rest of the vacation, the romantic vacation Michael had planned. I held onto the box that was on my bed as we sat in the plane.

"What's that?" Jack asks me.

"Michael left it on my bed. I think he forgot it." I mutter.

"It's for you." Ashton tells me with a glare, he's still not happy with me and I understood.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Open it and find out you heartless prick!" Ashton hisses at me, I frown and look down at it. Slowly unwrapping whatever was it was Michael had gotten for me. I looked at the necklace with a key hanging onto it. A plain silver key I thought at first and I didn't understand what it mean until I pulled it out of the box and turned it around.

'Move in with me.'

I stared at the small silver key, it looked like an exact replica of his house key. Why would he leave this for me after breaking up with me?

"It's the actual key to his house you know." Calum tells me, I nod because I know what his key looks like.

"Why'd he let me keep it?" I ask him, looking over at Ashton.

"Because eventhough you broke his heart, stomped on it and then spit on it, he still wanted to show you just how much he loved you. You know Calum's sister was redecorating his house for you! No you didn't know because you're a twatbag! Now Michael has to life in that house, sleeping in a queen sized bed with a wardrobe only half full, your favorite deodorant and your shampoo in his bathroom. He's going to break down everytime seeing what has changed for you!" Ashton tells me angrily, he looks so hurt but angry at the same time. I look over at Calum and even Calum was crying now.

"He loved you so much Luke." Calum whispers, shaking his head at me. I hung the key around my neck and sighed deeply, I lost the love of my life but now I had this little thing to remind me of what true love feels like.

"He wanted me to move in with him!" I then yell out surprised. I was so upset with the key I plainly ignored the request on the back of the key. 'Move in with me.' There it was, simple as that. A request made in such a simple yet original idea and it was the thing that got me to break down all over again, in the middle of the plane with people staring at me.

Michael wanted me to move in with him, he's settled his house so I could move in. He wanted to live together, get me away from my parents. My heart was racing and I had trouble breathing, clinging on to Calum's t-shirt as I cried.

"That's the second guy in just a week, what's going on with people and breaking up." A hostess says, I look over at her.

"Same flight, same destination. Guess that vacation resort isn't doing too good." She mutters, I grab her wrist and look at her pleadingly.

"Did this other guy have bright blue hair?" I ask her nervously.

"You're the ex boyfriend I guess then." She tells me, pity in her voice I nod slowly.

"Aah young love. I'm sorry it didn't work out. He looked really heartbroken if it helps." She tells me.

"N-n-no it d-doesn't h-h-help." I say, starting to cry all over again.

"It's not going to be ok right away Luke, give it some time and you'll move on." Calum tells me.

"I don't want to move on! I want my Michael back, he's all I want Calum." I tell him, through sobs of course.

"You've got to let him go." Calum whispers.

"I-I can't. I-I won't." I tell him, I take a few deep breaths and calm my crying down. When I've calmed I turn to Calum and whisper 'I won't' to him, he shrugs and looks down at Ashton, who was currently leaning his head on Calum's shoulder.

AN/ So there's finally a Luke pov. YES Michael wanted Luke to move in with him and that's why in the last chapter there were changes in Michael's house. This is a long chapter with like 1,900 words so wohoo!! So do you think Luke is going to try to get Michael back? Do you think Michael wants Luke back? How do you think they are going to act at work? Is Luke going to quit? Is Michael going to quit?

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