Don't do that to me!

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AN/ NO SMUT, I warn you about the lack of smut. M'sorry :D 

“What? Why?” He asks me.

“Because Penguin, you and I, we’ll make love.” I tell him, he goes from almost crying to blushing and he nods.

“Ok, gosh Michael don’t do that to me!” He says with a pout.

“I like teasing you though, so what you wanted to know if I have condoms and lube?” I ask him.

“Lube?” He asks me back, his eyebrows furrowed together.

“Yes Lube, you do know what that is right?” I ask him.

“I ehm, I was sick during our sex ed classes and pretty much kept away from anything sexlike.” He tells me.

“Then how the fuck did you get so good at handjobs?” I ask him.

“I did what felt right by myself.” He shrugs.

“Lube is something I’d use on you to make it easier to stick my dick in your tight little ass. I’d have to prep you first though.” I tell him, he looks at me uncomfortably.

“It’ll only hurt a bit, I don’t want to hurt you too much.” I tell him, he nods and then we both eat in silence.

“Ehm, I think I have to leave.” Luke says as he looks at his watch at 5pm.

“Ok, have fun on your weekend away Luke, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” I tell him.

“Well even you’d bottom so I think I’m good.” He says with a wink, then he opens the door and walks away after going to his Dad’s office. I watch him walk away and smile as he swings his hips just that little bit more than usual.

After another hour I left, telling Mr. H that I’d sent him the list and was heading home. Mr. H wished me fun on my weekend and I joked about how I had such a lively social life but that I might be visiting my old friends from High School. I walked home on a slow pace and found Ashton already parked outside my house with a black jeep with tinted windows.

“Hurry up Michael!” Ashton yells, I open my door and run upstairs, grabbing the condoms and lube, no I didn’t pack any because I didn’t think Luke was ready for that.

I ran back downstairs and pushed the objects into my bag before running to the Jeep, I had to get into the backseat with Luke since Calum was sitting on the passenger side.

“Are you going to tell us where we are going now?” Calum asked.

“Nope, it’s about a 4 hour drive though.” Ashton says, Luke groans and I chuckle at him.

“When we get there we’ll just choose a bed and get in it. Tomorrow we should go shopping for your and Calum’s outfits and then have the afternoon off, and at night I’ll take you out. Then Sunday we have all morning off and then after lunch we should drive back.” I tell everybody.

“Michael? Where are you taking me out on this date?” Luke asks me shyly, he leant his head against my shoulder as we drove.

“I know where, I googled where we are heading and I found a nice place. You did bring a shirt right?” I ask him, he nods happily.

“Good.” I tell him, kissing the top of his head.

“Does anybody mind if I change? I am not for sitting in this hot car for 4 hours in this suit.” I tell the guys. Ashton and Calum just shrug and when I look over at Luke he nods with a smile. So I unbuckle myself and grab my sweats, tee and converse to put on, changing in the back of a car wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but it was roomy in the car so not too bad.

“WOW!” Calum and Ashton both suddenly say as I pull my sweats on.

“What?” Luke asks them.

“Oh eh nothing.” Calum says quickly, Ashton on the other hand wasn’t one to hide what he was thinking.

“Shit Michael! You hard or just always that big?” Ashton asks me, I glance down and back up, realizing both of them had seen me in my boxers.

“Always that big, The Cliffoconda was made to ruin asses.” I tell him with a smirk.

“WHAT!” Luke squeals.

“I’ll be carefull with you babe, don’t worry.” I tell him, grabbing a hold of his hand after slipping the t-shirt over my head and buckling back up.

“I-ehm I might be second guessing my earlier request.” Luke whispers, I felt a little bad at his words but I didn’t mind it really.

“Ok.” I simply state.

“You’re ok with that?” He asks me.

“Penguin, I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. You know that, even if my dick was balls deep up your ass and you told me to stop I would.” I tell him, he blushes, Calum groans and Ashton laughs.

“You’d really stop for me?” Luke whispers, I nod.

“I never want to hurt you Luke.” I tell him, I lean over and place my lips on his gently.

“Never.” I repeat, my lips still pressed against his.

AN/ What even was this... Ok so they have officially left for the weekend! Not much happened this chapter but like I'll see if I can find a question....

Oh, ok so how about Luke second guessing his earlier decision? Michael telling Luke he's ok with that? Ashton and Calum being surprised at the size of the Cliffoconda (m'sorry this had to happen) 

Anybody reading this got Kik? Twitter? I need more friends :S 

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