Will you be my boyfriend?

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AN/ UPDATE because I need to stay awake and go to the gym in an hour but I'm so tired and only slept 3 hours :S

"Now that's all I wanted Penguin. Was that so hard?" I ask him.

"Yes." Luke says with a pout.

"Hmm about as hard as you are?" I ask him, our lips lightly brushing against each other as I talk, I felt a little spark as my lips touch his. That spark I knew I felt when Charming kissed me.

"M-Michael!" Luke says, blushing and hiding his face in his hands. I kiss his hands and then lean my whole body against him, pulling his hands away from his face.

"Fuck you're heavy." Luke says, I lean on my arms but leave my body close to his.

"Why do you get so shy Penguin? It's just you and me." I tell him.

"Because Michael, nobody's ever talked to me like that." Luke says with a blush.

"How is it you can be so cute and innocent one moment but sometimes you can be so confident?" I ask him.

"Sometimes I picture myself being somebody I'm not, somebody perfect and confident. Sometimes I picture myself being how I really want to be. I can be confident but not to your face, not when you're looking at me like that. Not when you see me as your cute like Penguin." Luke says.

"Luke you're perfect just the way you are." I tell him.

"Is that why you're in to this Blond Quiff guy?" Luke asks me, I lean my head down next to his.

"Luke, I like you ok. I'm into you and I'm here with you and I want you. Not him ok, he's just like a fantasy. Nothing more and he'll never be anything more. I won't see him again, if he shows up again I'll say no to him. I promise because I don't want to lose you." I tell him, I couldn't look at him as I waited for what he'd say next. He doesn't say anything but he wraps his arms around me and lean my cheek against his as I stroke his other with my thumb.

"Luke?" I ask him.

"Yes Michael?" he asks me, I lean up and look at him, he looked so happy.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him, his eyes widen and he nods excitedly.

"YES!" He screams happily, I press my lips against his and feel all the same sparks I feel when I kissed Charming, the buzzing feeling in my stomach, the tingeling sensation on my lips, the heat coming from his body to mine.

"Ehm Michael?" Luke asks me as I pull my lips away from him. I rolled my eyes because I knew what he wanted.

"Go call Calum." I tell him, I moved over and looked up Mean Girls, I expected Luke to go to another room but he sat next to me and dialed a number he obviously knew by heart.

"CALPAL!" Luke cheered happily as Calum answered, Luke came to sit on my lap and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Michael asked me to be his boyfriend! I've got a boyfriend Cal! My very first!" Luke says overly happily, I looked at him and felt myself smile, I was his very first boyfriend.

"I can't have him meet my parents Cal, he works for my dad! So technically he already knows my parents. We can skip that bit!" Luke says happily.

"No he's right here." Luke says, he looks over at me.

"Why would I need to have this conversation in a different room?" Luke asks, I frown because it gave me the feeling Calum wasn't happy for us, for Luke.

"He told me I could call you, I don't have anything to hide. He knows how excited I can get." Luke says with a pout, I kiss his bottom lip softly and he sighs happily.

"We're about to watch mean girls." Luke says, he blushes a little and I kiss his cheek.

"You're so cute Penguin." I whisper to him.

"Yes he called me Penguin, it's his nickname for me. Guess what he moaned when we had phonesex." Luke says, he starts giggling and I'm sure I can hear Calum making gag noises.

"Yes I can do phonesex, gosh Cal!" Luke then says.

"Hmm you were very good babe, can't wait see how good you really are." I whisper to him, kissing his neck.

"M-michael." Luke mutters, looking away from me.

"Cal we're not having sex!" Luke protests.

"We could be." I whisper to him, sliding my fingers between his legs.

"MICHAEL!" Luke scolds and he pushes my hand away but I put it right back.

"Shht Penguin." I whisper to him, kissing his neck some more.

"Michael I'm on the phone!" Luke complains.

"I never told you to hang up." I whisper to him, I nibble his earlobe and palm him through his sweats, making him moan loudly.

"CUT IT OUT!" I can hear Calum yell through the phone.

"Michael please stop." Luke begged me.

"You want me to stop?" I ask him.

"Yes." He mutters.

"Fine, just for you Penguin." I tell him, leaning away from him and putting my hand on his knees.

"There he's stopped." Luke tells Calum.

"Look Cal now we can get you a boyfriend! And we can double date!" Luke says happily, I didn't mind him talking to Calum at all because it was cute how happy he was.

"Cal you're standards are so high! Where are you going to find a rich ass older man? Don't be such a shallow Cal." Luke says, I laugh because that might have been the funniest thing he could ever come up with.

"Ok so we'll go on grinder and search for hazel eyed, wavy haired, giggly but manly men that are what 25 years old but aren't too busy. Preferably living by himself and likes tanned asian guys." Luke says, rolling his eyes.

"Calum is Asian?" I ask.

"I'M NOT ASIAN!" Calum calls back, I then smile as I get an idea.

I pulled my phone out and called Mirry.

AN/ Who's excited that they are FINALLY official?? Who thinks it's cute that Michael knew Luke wanted to call Calum? Who thinks Cal is shallow? ALSO who got the joke that Luke made? Who would be a perfect match for Calum? Why is Michael calling Mirry??


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