Were you checking up on me?

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AN/ NO Smut in this chapter.... Lol maybe I'll warn everybody about the lack of Smut and if there IS smut then I won't put this AN :p WARNING THERE IS NO SMUT :p 

I concentrate on my work and so does Luke, sometimes I glance over at him as he’s working and he gets frustrated when either the page won’t load or he wrote a percentage wrong. Sometimes I hear him mutter that his handwriting is so ugly and then he’d write it again.

“I’ve got more so don’t worry about wasting any.” I tell him, he looks over at me and blushes.

“Sorry I just want to do this perfectly for you.” He whispers.

“Just do your best babe and it’ll be perfect to me.” I tell him.

“But not to my dad.” Luke mutters, I pretend I don’t hear it because I know he doesn’t want me to have heard it.

When my stomach growls I look up and see Luke giggling at me.

“Luke, I think it’s time for you to go get my food.” I tell him.

“Of course Mr. Clifford. Nandos or Maccas?” He asks me.

“Maccas is good, and get me a coffee on your way, treat yourself to something too. If I see you walk up here without food for yourself you’re not coming in and I might have to punish you.” I tell him, he blushes at my words and then nods quickly, he rushes out of the room but then comes back with a shy smile.

“I euh I need the card.” He says to me, I hand it back to him and he puts it away.

“It feels so weird taking your card, I feel like you’re my sugar daddy.” Luke whispers as he stands there.

“Djeeze Luke, just go.” I tell him, rolling my eyes at him. He turns around and walks off, again not without my eyes trailing over his body. Damn I’d like to know how it feels to pound into that tight little ass of his.

I get back to work and ignore Luke as he comes back in, he places my food and the desk and sits to eat his own. I look up at him as he eats, he’s looking down at his phone as he eats, his subway sandwich was held in just 1 hand, damn he’s got big hands.

“Enjoy.” I tell him, he looks up at me and smiles.

“You to Mr. Clifford.” Luke says to me, I pull my food over to myself and then grab my coffee, he grabbed his milkshake and drinks it happily.

We watch each other as we eat, not in a creepy way but in a way that too lovers look at each other when they can’t be seen touching.

“I’m glad you got yourself something.” I tell him.

“I can pay you back.” He states.

“Shut up, Luke.” I tell him, he shakes his head.

“No, look you don’t need to pay for my food.” Luke tells me.

“As your boyfriend Luke I’m sure I can.” I tell him.

“No I don’t want that, I don’t want people thinking I’m here for the money.” Luke complains.

“Luke, please. You can always repay me another way.” I tell him, smirking at him. He looks confused but when I look down at his crotch he moves a little and giggles.

“Shut up Mr. Clifford.” He says to me.

“As long as I know you’re not here for the money we’re good aren’t we?” I ask him, he shrugs.

“I guess.” He then says.

“Finish up and get back to work, I have at least 5 more hours of work to do and you have about 3.” I tell him, he nods because we did miss lunch by a few hours so both of us were pretty hungry. Luke finished and then went to throw away the trash and wash his hand.

After 3 hours, an hour after everybody else left, Luke huffed and lay down on the couch.

“You take a little nap babe, I’ll bring you home when I finish.” I tell him, he moves over but doesn’t fall asleep, he’s texting somebody and staring at me.

“Who are you texting?” I ask him.

“Calum, aren’t I always texting Calum.” Luke says with a laugh.

“OF course you are.” I reply.

“Why? Were you checking up on me?” He asks me, suddenly frowning.

“Nope, I just thought we’d have a conversation and that’s the best I could come up with.” I tell him.

“Well Calum and I are talking about that party. He wanted to go shopping but I said my dad wouldn’t let me go shopping for a party. He might be rich but that doesn’t mean I get everything I want.” Luke says.

 AN/Short update, msowwy :( Aww for Luke to want to do this perfectly! Michael pretended he didn't hear what Luke said, do you think he hould have ignored it? Oooooh Michael with his 'Punishments', what do you think that means? Michael suggesting Luke 'pay him back' in antoher manner? Why Mr. Clifford! (fake gasps at him) Also ugh come ON Michael, who else would Luke be texting huh? 

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