CalPal and Lucifer?

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AN/ I know I know the Lucifer nickname is used a lot, but Cal only uses it now, it doesn't show up anymore because there's a better nickname for him ;) there's an AN at the end of the chapter asking abotu your opinion :p 

I dreamt of deep blue eyes, a single dimple and blond quiffed up hair, I dreamt of that black mask with the black lipring. I dreamt of his tight shirt and those dresspants that clung to his ass so nicely. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you with what sort of problem I woke up.

I huffed as I got out of my shower, I went on my twitter page and then on my instagram, I posted a selfie of my platinum hair and said I was redying it, asking for comments about what color I should do next. I sat down to eat some breakfast, fruit loops since well I’m still a kid on the inside. When my phone beeped I picked it up.

AshIrwin88: You look good with the platinum, but maybe ehm red? Or purple? Or blue!

I chuckled at the comment even though it wasn’t even funny at all, I looked at the guys page but he hadn’t posted anything as of yet.

MC.Lifford: @AshIrwin88 Thanks, might keep it like this for a while then. Maybe purple and blue?

I reply to the guy, was 88 the year he was from, that would make him 2 years older than me. I finish my fruitloops and got ready to go get something to eat, because frankly I never had food in the house and I needed to go shopping for the hairdye. I got purple, pink and blue, fixed my hair and it turned out amazing so I posted a selfie and the guy liked it.

2 days into my vacation and I knew I was infatuated with blond quiff. I’d often find myself thinking about his dark blue eyes and his lipring. I dreamt of him and figured he’d never leave my mind again. I went out to my kitchen and found out my fridge was empty, I groaned because I should have realized this earlier.

I pulled on some black skinny jeans, I pulled on a blink182 tank I found and a black beanie to cover my hair. After pulling on my worn out converse and lazily tying them up I walked out of my house with my wallet and keys in my hand, they were NOT going to fit in my skinny jeans, at no point what so ever.

I walked into the target, getting a cart and pushing it along lazily.

“CALPAL! GO TO THE SNACKS CALPAL!” Somebody is yelling, I stop my cart as 2 boys rush past me, well a boy pushing a cart with a blond kid in it. My eyes follow them as I see the familiar grey beanie and black framed glasses of the boy in the costume shop. He’s sitting in the cart, pointing towards the snack aisle as his tanned friend pushes him with a frown on his face.

“Faster CALPAL!” The kid screams.

“Don’t call me that and NO I won’t go faster!” The CalPal dude says, I chuckle at them as I shake my head and go on with my shopping.

I get closer to the snack aisle and frown as I can hear the boys having an argument; I need to get snacks for my movienights which are basically every night since I have no life.

“Excuse me.” I say to the guys as their cart is in my way to get to my favorite chips. I look at the blond boy, he was pretty cute and looked somewhat familiar but I couldn’t place what about him looked so familiar, well it’s probably just because I’ve seen him before.

“Sorry.” The CalPal guys says, he pulls the cart away. The blond kid doesn’t say anything but I noticed he was looking at me like he was puzzling out something. Did he recognize me from the store? No he couldn’t have, he never looked at me. Did he? I grab my things but before I could leave the Calpal guy asks me something.

“Which do you think we should pick? I want the nachos but Lucifer here wants the hoops?” Calpal asks me, Lucifer?

“Don’t call me that!” Lucifer squeaks and yes he squeaks, like his voice raised 15 bars probably. His friend looks at him oddly.

“Why not both?” I ask them, they shrug.

“Not enough money.” CalPal says shyly.

“Lucifers parents don’t give him money for snacks, rich ass bastards.” CalPal mutters, the Lucifer boy punched CalPal on the arm and then looks down at his all black vans with a pout, he licks over his lips and I frown because he looked so familiar.

“Here.” I tell them with a chuckle, I hand them some money for the chips and CalPal looks at me warily. I pull my beanie off and run my hand through my hair before putting it on, the Lucifer kid gasps at something, when I look up at him he’s looking away. He’s blushing fiercely as I can see he whispers something to CalPal and CalPal looks up at me with a smirk. Did the kid think I was strange because of my hair or did he like it?

“Thanks for this but we can’t accept it.” CalPal says to me, he tries to hand the money back but I step away from him.

“I’d not deprive you of some snacks, get what you like.” I tell him.

“Lucifer likes your hair by the way.” CalPal says, earning a glare from the blond kid.

“Thanks Lucifer, I like your glasses.” I tell him, he looks over at me with the same blush as earlier he looks frightened like a lost puppy but then he turns his gaze away and back at his feet.

“It was nice meeting you guys, good luck with the rest of your shopping.” I tell them, then I push my cart away.

“Oh My Gosh Calum, I’m so embarrassed!” I can hear the blond kid mutter as I walk away. What was he embarrassed about?

AN/ What do you think about Michael helping CalPal and Lucifer? What about Cal being all mean about Luke's parents and Luke being all shy?

Why'd you think Luke looks familiar and why did he feel embarassed?? Well obvi we all know how embarassing it is if shizz like this happens :p 

ALSO YES Ashton is from the year 88 because I said so! 

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