Did you ever want to date me?

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“You ok there Luke?” I ask him, he glares at me and then sits down on the couch, eating his food.

“Ehem, Luke?” I ask him, he rolls his eyes, stands up and brings me my food, dumping it on the table and then going back.

“Penguin, what happened?” I ask him nervously, something must have happened.

“Nothing, leave me alone.” He says, the snap in his voice making me jump a little. He smirked at my reaction but then frowned again and continued eating.

“Luke, tell me what’s wrong.” I tell him.

“No, just eat your food and don’t talk to me. This isn’t the Hemmings Kid talking to you, it’s your Penguin.” He tells me, I frown at him but eat my food. What could have happened that made him angry? He wasn’t upset, no he was angry.

After finishing my food he grabbed the trash and threw it away, still not talking to me.

“Mr. Hemmings, could you please bring this down to Mirry?” I ask him, handing him a sticky note, he grabbed it angrily and gave me a fake smile.

“Of course Mr. Clifford.” He said, then he walked off and again I caught myself looking at him as he walked away.

When he came back he was still scowling and it made me furrow my eyebrows, what was going on with him?

Luke walked in and sat down on the chair opposite me.

“Mirry said ok and she’d email you about it.” Luke mutters as he sits down.

“Ok, thanks.” I reply, looking at me screen again, I get a call not much later so I picked up since Luke wasn’t at his desk to do assistant like things.

“Sup Mirry?” I asked since I saw it was an inside call and I knew her number by heart.

“Michael, there’s a guy named Ashton that wants to talk to you. Said it was important.” Mirry says, I wonder if it was Ashton from the Maccas, my eyes widen because Luke was angry when he got back from the Maccas.

“Send the call through.” I tell her, a second later there’s a click.

“Hemmings Inc, Michael Clifford speaking, how may help you?” I ask him, being formal.

“Michael! It’s Ashton from the Maccas. Damn it I think I did something really bad.” He says to me, I lean back in my chair and look at Luke.

“I know you did, care to explain what you said to him?” I ask Ashton, fully aware now that Ashton must have said something to Luke that got him angry.

“I might have asked him how things were and let it slip that you had breakfast here because you needed a friend to talk to. He got upset at first but then when he asked me why he needed to talk to me I told him it was private and he got angry. He asked me again and I said you weren’t his boyfriend so I didn’t feel at all obliged to tell him. I know it was stupid but I was stressed and he just pissed me off. Doesn’t he understand that some things are private, gosh Michael I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make him angry.” Ashton pleads.

“I’m so mad at you right now, I swear I’m going to punch you!” I tell him angrily, Luke looks over at me with raised eyebrows.

“Did you tell him about Blond Quiff?” Ashton asks me.

“Don’t you dare fucking turn this on me! You messed up here, don’t make me feel bad about your fuck up!” I growl at him, this makes Luke look surprised and I hear Ashton sigh on his side of the phone.

“Look Michael, I’m sorry ok. It took me ages to find this number to call you. Ya woulda thought a big company like this would have their number all over the place but NOOOO all I got was a fricking 10 minute on hold call to get sent to some idiot named Stefanie and have her tell me this was the wrong number! Look I know I said something stupid that’s why I called. I’m sorry.” Ashton mutters.

“Don’t Ash, I’m still mad at you and I’ll stay mad for a while. I’m hanging up now.” I tell him, then I hung up quickly.

“Luke, why’d you talk to Ashton?” I ask him, he went from the surprised look back to the scowl, making me sigh deeply.

“Why do you care? I’m not your boyfriend you know I can keep secrets from you.” Luke huffs, he stands up and walks over to the couch, sitting down on that and not looking at me.

“Luke please, I don’t know what Ashton told you but he’s a good friend of mine yeah. He’s something that’s been consistant in my life since I was 16. I’ve gone to the same place since I was 16 and he’s worked there for as long as I can remember. You’ve got to understand that sometimes I need somebody to talk to.” I tell him.

“Then talk to me!” Luke grunts.

“I can’t if it’s you I need to talk about!” I yell at him, he turns to look at me.

“SO you’re saying shit about me behind my back?” He yells back.

“I needed some advice Luke, stop overreacting. Like you’ve not talked about me with Calum.” I tell him, his eyes show hesitation but then he just looks angry again.

“Yeah I gossip with Calum but I have nothing bad to say about you! You’ve got loads of shit things to say about me and I’m sure you’ve told Ashton them all!” Luke yells.

“I have nothing bad to say about you!” I yell back.

“Ow no? Because if there was nothing bad to say Ashton would have just told me!” Luke replies.

“No because it was private between him and me.” I state, trying to keep my calm.

“Why are you keeping secrets from me?” Luke asks me angrily but his voices had lowered.

“I told you it’s private!” I answer.

“How could we date if you’re keeping things from me? What kind of relationship is that?” He asks me.

“All relationships have lies in them Luke, I don’t want to be in a relationship where we lie to each other and I’ll tell you what Ashton and I talked about later at my place. Stop acting like a fucking child throwing a tantrum because you didn’t get what you wanted!” I tell him angrily, his angered face turned to hurt and then back to anger.

“There you go calling me a child again, yes I’m young and yes I still throw tantrums. I’m fucking emotional ok! Don’t call me a child or I will start acting like on!” Luke huffs.

“You are acting like one Luke, gosh I wish you’d just grow up.” I whisper.

“You want me to grow up?” Luke asks me, his voice sounded broken and strained so I looked up at him again.

“Don’t cry.” I beg him.

“Did you ever want to date me?” Luke asks me, he looks so hurt.

“Yes Luke, I do want to date you. I told you I just needed some time!” I say to him, my you could hear it in my voice that I was tired.

“You needed time for what? For me to grow up? You didn’t need time did you, you needed to give me time to grow up. You think I’m still too young, and what naïve too? You think I don’t know how I feel about you is that it?” Luke asks me.

“I know how you feel about me Luke.” I tell him.

“Isn’t that enough for you?” Luke asks.

“It is, Luke I just needed to clear some things up in my mind.” I told him.

“How much time do you need to clear up your mind?” He asks me, he was chewing his lip nervously.

“Right now Luke I need more than I thought I needed.” I admit to him, this just showed me he was still young, he was still emotional and fragile. HE was still a kid. Luke looked extra hurt at my choice of words, tears spilling down his cheeks.

It was that exact moment when Mr. H decided to come in.

AN/ Ok so much happened idek where to start with the questions...

What do you think about Luke talking to Ashton? Ashton saying it was private which upset Luke? What do you think hurt more, the fact Ashton said it was private or that he reminded Luke that he wasn't actually Michael's boyfriend? Do you think Ashton is ruining Muke? How do you think Luke is going to react now Mr. H is here? What do you think Mr. H wants? IS THE DINNER DATE STILL HAPPENING???

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