You're such an alcy.

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 We lay there for a few hours until my stomach rumbles, Luke giggles and moves away from me.

"I'll go heat up your dinner." Luke tells me, he skips out of the room and I mean really skips. I chuckle at him and then put my hands behind my head. Jack walks in eyeing me suspiciously.

"Luke seems happy again?" Jack asks me.

"I apologized, I didn't mean to worry him. You know how angry I get sometimes and I didn't want him to see me angry so I went for a walk." I tell him.

"I do that often when I'm angry, I walk out but I come back." I then add.

"We know, Ben told us. If you need something to punch I'm right here. I can take a few hits just don't aim for my face." Jack tells me, I laugh and he laughs along.

"I'll remember that." I tell him.

"So how was the plan going?" Jack asks me in a whisper.

"Good, everything should be set up for when we get back." I tell him, he nods and then leaves. Luke comes walking back into our room with a plate full of food and a bottle of water.

"More beers will arrive tomorrow." Luke says apologetically making me chuckle.

"You're such an alcy." I tell him, rolling my eyes at him.

"No I'm not!" Luke whispers, he looks embarrassed.

"No more drinking then." I tell him, he nods and sits in the bed next to me. Waiting patiently for me to finish my food.

When I was done I placed the plate on the table next to the bed and moved over, Luke instantly wrapped his arms around me and snuggled up to me.

"Can we watch one of my favorite movies tonight and then sleep?" I ask Luke, he nods and hands me the remote so I go on a search for one of my favorite movies.

"Pokemon? Really!" Luke laughs as I play my favorite movie.

"What a girl wants Luke, really?" I mimic him, he shuts up and blushes.

We cuddles as we watched the movie and Luke actually seemed really into it, he was crying when Ash died. I pulled him closer when I saw him cry and he was cheering when Pikachu's tears and then the tears of everybody else brought Ash back.

"That was the most amazing movie I've ever seen." Luke gushed as he turned to look at me.

"Are you lying to make me feel good?" I ask him, he shakes his head.

"It had everything, friendship, a fight, love. Gosh I love love." Luke says, he leans against my chest and I wrap my arms around him.

"I'm glad you liked it." I whisper to him.

"Get some sleep Michael." Luke says to me, he kisses my jaw gently and then moves over to entangle his legs with mine.

"Goodnight Luke, I'm sorry for walking out on you like I did." I tell him.

"You don't have anything to apologize for, I was in the wrong. Please let's forget about it." Luke whispers.

"Goodnight my love." I say to him, kissing the top of his head and running my fingers in circles over his shoulderblade.

"Goodnight babe." Luke replies, he kisses my chest and then lays down, slowly falling asleep as did I.

AN/ This was short I know, I'm sorry :s It's actually just a filler because the next chapter is like the whole plot of the story! Charming returns, sort of and we get to know who he is! Basically the next chapter is the intro to the biggest drama ever!!! Maybe I'll double update so tomorrow morning (for me morning) you guys can know the truth? COMMENT 'Charming' for a double update?

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