Babe are you ok?

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AN/ I just have to read this over to see about the smut or no smut ..... ok there is no smut :p

It was about 3 weeks later when Luke walked into my office with a frown and my coffee.

“Hey babe, what’s up?” I asked him, we haven’t been doing too great since he was grounded and Jack and Ben were busy, but I knew what they were busy with so it was ok.

“I ehm, Jack and Ben convinced my dad it would be a great idea for us guys to go on holiday together, just Jack, Ben and I.” Luke mutters, I raise an eyebrow at him so he sighs.

“I didn’t really want to go but my dad is agreeing on it. So basically in 3 weeks everybody is on vacation because Dad is taking mom away for 3 weeks, so we all get 3 weeks off. I don’t see how he’s affording this but he said it was ok and he’d have people in here working on the important things and that you deserved a break after what you pulled with the McClarren case. Ben and Jack are taking me on vacation for those 3 weeks, like away away.” Luke says, rolling his eyes.

“I do deserve a break.” I tell him, he nods.

“So ehm you’ve got an email about that and well I guess we won’t see each other in those 3 weeks and since the only time I get to see you is at work I’m pretty pissed off and upset about it, why didn’t the guys know I wanted to be with you?” Luke asks me, I smile at him and shrug.

“Maybe they just wanted to have a vacation with their little bro.” I tell him.

“I just want to kiss you so bad right now!” Luke mutters, then Mr. H walks in.

“Michael! I assume you haven’t seen your mails yet. In 3 weeks everybody is getting 3 weeks off. You deserve a vacation after all you did, also you’re getting a raise! YES you brought us in so much fucking money with the McClarren case. SO yeah a raise and a paid vacation for you, don’t go blabbing about it since it’s just you that I’m paying during this vacation! ENJOY!” He says, before he leaves he looks over at Luke.

“Are you going shopping with Jack and Ben for your vacation? I’d ask if your boyfriend was going but I told Jack and Ben that it’s only the three of you or else all of you are fired. I’ve seen to it that they got 3 plane tickets.” Mr. Hemmings says, Luke nods and smiles at him.

“It’ll be nice having some guytime.” Luke tells him, his dad nods.

“Are you going to tell me where you’re going?” Mr. H asks him.

“I don’t even know dad, Jack and Ben have kept it a secret.” Luke tells him, I smirk a little knowing exactly where they were going.

“I’ve missed you Michael.” Luke whispers when the door was closed.

“I’ve missed you too Luke, gosh I miss holding you and kissing you.” I admit to him, he blushes and nods.

“I’ve missed our cuddles and our kisses, the way you’d openly flirt with me and touch me.” Luke whispers even though nobody can hear us.

“I love you Luke.” I tell him.

“I love you too Michael.” Luke replies, he looks over at me longingly so I send him out to get me my lunch. Ben walks in a few minutes after Luke left.

“Everything is planned.” Ben tells me.

“Good, I’ve got the tickets I need, give Luke the biggest suite.” I tell him, Ben nods and then walks back out again. Ben and Jack might not have been the only ones planning a vacation. I text Ashton telling him all was planned and he texted back that him and Calum got ready what they needed. Calum and Ashton were going strong and Ashton had even bought Calum a promise ring, a promise that Ashton would love Calum forever. Just like I would love Luke forever but I had something better planned then just a promise ring.

Luke came back with my food and some for him too, he still didn’t like using my card to get himself something but I told him that I was fine with it and I always reminded him I was ok with it.

“Michael?” Luke asks me, looking up at me as he fidgeted with his blazer.

“Yes Penguin?” I ask him.

“Ehm what are you going to do during the vacation?” Luke asks me, why does he look so nervous?

“Babe are you ok? What are you nervous about?” I ask him.

“It’s just that, what if I’m gone for 3 weeks and you find somebody else?” Luke asks me.

“Penguin, sweetie I’ll never find anybody else.” I tell him.

“You don’t love me with all your heart though, you still say Charming in your sleep! When you fell asleep on the couch last week.” Luke tells me, I sigh.

“I’m sorry ok, I can’t control what I dream about. Luke I do love you, I love you with all I have. My mind, my heart and my soul Luke, it’s all yours.” I tell him, he looks up at me lovingly and nods.

“Plus you know me, I’ll be inside watching Netflix.” I tell him, he giggles and I smiled because I’d successfully made him giggle again.

AN/ ooh Ben and Jack are taking Luke on vacation? Michael has plans with Ashton and Calum? What do you think is going on? Do you think Luke and Michael can keep going with no drama until Luke is no longer grounded??

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