Please be honest.

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I walk back inside, hearing Luke groan so I run up the stairs. Luke was standing in the middle of my room, looking down at his phone on the floor with tears in his eyes, he looked so cute in my sweater, that only just fit him since he’s bigger than I am. I quickly picked the phone up and handed it to him, he gave me a small smile.

“I’m so sorry.” I tell him, kissing both his cheeks and then his lips.

“It’s ok, I wanted it.” Luke replies.

“I’ll hurt less next time ok. You’ll get used to it eventually.” I tell him, I stroke my thumb over his cheek and he nods at me while biting his bottom lip.

“Come on babe, let’s get you downstairs and on the couch.” I say, I grab his hand and he walks with me, a little limp in his step. Let’s hope his dad doesn’t see that.

“Would your dad be ok with you dating Calum?” I ask Luke as I put his plate of bacon and eggs down.

“Why would I want to date Calum!?” Luke suddenly yells at me, looking at me shocked.

“If he sees that limp he’d ask questions.” I tell him, Luke blushes and shakes his head.

“He wants me to date a girl remember.” Luke says.

“Hmm well then try and hide your limp.” I tell him, he glares at me.

“Sjeezes Michael, like I hadn’t thought of that! Wow.” Luke then says, he rolls his eyes at me as we eat, then we lie down together. Me holding Luke close as we watched a movie.

“I should get home.” Luke mutters after his phone beeps, showing he’s got another message from either of his parents.

“Ok.” I mutter a reply, I really didn’t want him to go yet.

“You sound upset?” Luke asks me.

“I don’t want you to go yet.” I admit to him, damn I sound whipped.

“Aww you’re so cute! I wish I could stay longer but I have to go.” Luke says, he moves over and presses his lips to mine, he goes slow as my lips start moving with his. It was a simple kiss, not heated and no tongue but there was a shitload of emotions pressed into that kiss.

“Michael?” Luke asks me as he walks in, all changed to go home.

“Yes?” I ask him.

“Ehm, can I ask you something, without you getting mad at me?” He asks.

“Of course Luke, I won’t get mad at you.” I tell him.

“Ehm, remember when you told me about that ehm Charming guy and what you guys did?” He asks me, I gulp and hesitantly nod.

“Have you ehm, thought about him since you told me about him? Please be honest.” Luke whispers. Was I to be honest or was it best to lie? Damn I didn’t want to lie to him and something told me he knew the truth. I wasn’t going to lie to the guy I love.

“Not until last night, after we made love. I just thought about him for a second, wondering what he was doing as we cuddled. You know, I realized I hadn’t thought of him since well, since I figured out just how much I care about you. It was only last night, for a split second.” I admit to him, he nods.

“It wasn’t for a second, you moaned ‘Charming’ in your sleep, that’s why I asked. I couldn’t help but feel slightly used, thinking about if you were thinking of him while we were together. It’s ok though, I know you’d never cheat on me, not like it would be cheating I mean it would be you know but I guess I mean… Gosh I don’t even know what I mean, I shouldn’t have said that, I’m rambling now. I should really shut up, this would be a nice time for you to shut me up.” Luke says, I step up to him and press my lips against his, he wraps his arms around my neck as I hold onto his waist tightly.

“Luke, I love you. Like I said I hadn’t even thought of him for a long time, because even when we were fighting all I thought about was you. You’re all I want Penguin, you make me so happy. Please don’t ever think I would use you like that, I could never because I hate to see you hurt.” I tell him, I kiss his lips again, softly this time and just for a moment.

“I’m sorry.” Luke whispers.

“It’s ok, I’m not mad at you. I was just being honest because I’d never lie to you, I don’t ever want to lie to you. Unless it’s a lie to protect a surprise for you.” I tell him, he giggles and plays with the hair on the back of my head.

“I’ll go now.” He mutters as he glances at the door, there was a honk and that was the sign that Calum was outside.

“I’ll see you on Monday, ok? And text me when you’re home.” I tell him, he nods and then he leaves quickly as Calum honks again.

AN/ Poor Penguins little booty hurts :p You asked for it Penguin! Damn it Charming, Y U NO STAY AWAY! Damn it Luke for asking about it! and Damned you Michael for not getting Charming out of your head!! 

Do you think things will ge smooth now? a few dramaless chapters? Also who do you think from the company will be first to find out Mr. Clifford is dating his assistant, or that little Luke Hemmings is dating his boss? I'm asking this because the secret will be revealed in T+4 chapters :p 

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