Babe stop crying please

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AN/ Triple update, because this one is short! Dedications to @5SOS1975 and just remember, you asked for this update ;) 

Luke came back 10 minutes later in tears, he wiped his eyes as he walked in and I looked him over.

“What happened?” I ask him worriedly.

“N-Nothing.” Luke mutters.

“Penguin, come on. This isn’t your boss talking to you, this is me.” I tell him, he shrugs and sits down.

“I-i-i-its just my dad.” Luke whispers.

“What happened?” I asked.

“He ehm he got angry about what Mr. Ramsay did and then he scolded at my handwriting. When I asked him about coming round to your office later to talk about it he told me not to talk to him in that tone and I don’t know what tone I was using but… He then told me to get out and leave him alone. But then he called me back and he said he was having friends over for dinner tonight and he didn’t want me there to gay up the place, he doesn’t want his friends to know I’m gay.” Luke says, he then starts crying again.

I want so bad to go over there and hug him but I couldn’t, I noticed a few people walk past outside and 3 people walked slower to see what was going on.

“Penguin, babe stop crying please. I want to come over there and hug you so badly but I can’t, people are looking.” I tell him, he takes his glasses off and wipes his eyes. I get that feeling again that he looks familiar but I knew him now yet he looked so different without his glasses. He looked mature yet still sort of childlike, definitely more mature though. He puts his glasses back on and sniffs a few times.

“You want to come have dinner with me tonight?” I ask him, he looks up at me happily.

“Really?” He asks me.

“Of course. I’ll make sure I’m out of here on time, you go home and then tell your dad you’ll be with Calum, call Calum and tell Calum to back up for you. Meet me at the target or come to my house or whatever you want.” I tell him, he looks so excited.

“How was it last night? No creepy murderers then?” He asks me, I gulp and feel my lip tremble. I should tell him but not here, not now right in the middle of the day in my office.

“Michael?” Luke asks me, he’s looking at me worriedly and I could see he was blinking more often, that’s what he did when he was trying to hold back tears.

“There’s something I need to tell you Luke, but I’ll tell you later at my place ok?” I ask him.

“Is it something bad?” He asks, his voice cracking.

“Sort of, but it’s good to. I promise, just please don’t ask about it until we’re at my place tonight.” I beg him, he nods and then looks around. He starts fiddling with his shirt nervously so I go tell him to get us lunch after about an hour, I told him he could get whatever he wanted because it was on me.

About an hour later he got back with a frown on his face and Maccas bags.

AN/ OH OWW!! How do you feel about Mr. H treating Luke like he does? How about Michael inviting Luke over for dinner? Do you think Luke can wait until later to find out what's wrong with Michael? AND!!! What happened that got Luke to be gone for a whole hour? AND why is he frowning?? 

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