He's dating a kid

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“Michael.” Mr. H says as he sees me walk up to the building, he was smoking.

“Morning Mr. H, sorry about yesterday.” I tell him.

“It’s ok, the number was blocked and your new vase should be up there, apparently Ben made sure he has extras.” Mr. H says with a laugh.

“Ha, good thinking Ben.” I mutter.

“Luke is already upstairs, he had your coffee with him and his little friend Calum. I told him Calum could go in but as soon as you got there Calum has to leave.” He tells me, I nod at him.

“Ow and Mr. Ramsay sent you that report.” Mr. H tells me.

“I’ll get right on to it.” I tell him, I head inside and go up to Mirry.

“No new messages Michael, oh but how did the call go? Got a new boyfriend?” Mirry asks me, of course she thought I wanted to talk to Ashton for that.

“I do indeed have a boyfriend, can’t you see the air of sex whelm off of me?” I ask her.

“Nope you look like you took 5 hours to fix your hair and you smell like cologne.” She tells me.

“I smell sexy, you can ask my boyfriend.” I tell her with a wink, I didn’t actually know if Luke liked my cologne, I should ask him.

“Your little assistant came in with a friend earlier, and your coffee.” Mirry tells me, I nod at her and head op to my office. When I walk up I can see Calum and Luke sitting at my desk, Luke was on my chair. You cannot sit on my chair without me saying it’s allowed, he’s my assistant in here not my boyfriend.

“Luke, may I remind you about the fact this is my office and my chair you are sitting in.” I tell him as I walk in, he looks up at me.

“This is Mr. Clifford talking to the Boss’ teenage boy who thinks it’s ok to sit in MY chair in MY office.” I tell him when he looks at me confused, he quickly stands up and moves to sit on the chair next to Calum. I move and sit down behind my deck, Luke hands me my drink and I sip it, enjoying the warm coffee.

“Shit you look hot in a suit.” Calum says to me, I look up at Calum and see Luke glare at him.

“Don’t check out my boyfriend!” Luke scowls at him.

“I’m just saying if he showed up at that party looking like that then damn you’d be the most popular guy in school!” Calum says, I open my mails and look at them.

“Shut up Cal!” Luke growls at him.

“What party?” I ask them, looking over my mails.

“No party, nothing important.” Luke says with a shrug.

“One of our old Classmates is throwing a party and he’s invited everybody from our year over to see how things are with us after we graduated. More like laugh at everybody that’s failing at life, like me.” Calum says.

“Cal, Michael really doesn’t need to know, plus you had to leave when he got here remember.” Luke says to him.

“Are you going?” I ask them, not looking up from my mails.

“Of course, we don’t want to be known as the dorks that didn’t show up. I’d rather be the loser that didn’t go to college or get a job rather than the one that didn’t show up.” Calum says, Luke groans and it makes me smile. He really didn’t want to go to that party.

“Why don’t you want to go Luke?” I ask him, I set up everything so I can start on that report and then turn to him as I sip my coffee.

“I ehm, well I don’t want to see all of them. I didn’t go to college and I actually don’t really have a job, I’m just your assistant for now. I got bullied by them and all I’m going to hear is if I finally got laid and shit like that. I don’t want to go and get bullied, like I really want to go back to that.” Luke says.

“Come on Luke, please come with me! Without you there I won’t have another friend, being gay got me kicked out of the football team remember. I only have you.” Calum begs him.

“Plus this time you have a boyfriend, you can tell them that.” Calum then says, I watch Luke’s expressions but he still shakes his head.

“Like they’d believe me if I said I had a boyfriend, I could tell them all about him, every detail of his face and they’d still not believe me.” Luke muttered.

“Plus what if somebody knows Michael, as if he wants people to know he’s dating a kid.” Luke mutters.

“Luke, don’t do that. I love that I’m dating you, you can tell all those people. I don’t care.” I tell him, he looks up at me hopeful.

“I can?” He asks me.

“Of course, you go to that party and you be proud of what you’ve got. You’ve got a best friend, that as I can see will go through anything with you and you’ve got a boyfriend that has an amazing job, that can and will spoil you rotten if you wanted that. Be proud of what you have babe, because I know I am.” I tell him, he starts blushing fiercely until Mr. H opens the door.

AN/ OOOOH PARTY?? Do I see drunk Cake in the future? Do you think Michael is going to go? What about Ashton? Do you think Luke and Calum are actually going to go? Poor Luke and Calum for being bullied :s I understand why Luke wouldn't want to go back! Hahah, Mirry is so oblivious to Muke being together :D Michael is so sweet for telling Luke he's proud to be dating him, isn't he? UH OH Mr. H is back, and we don't like you Mr. H, what's he gonna do now ey?

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