You look like a bottom

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When I get to the checkout I smirk as I see the guys in the line so I go stand right behind them.

“Cal, I’m such a dork.” Lucifer whines.

“Shut up Penguin it’s not like he cares that you’re a doofus.” Calum says to him, earning a slap on the arm.

“Don’t call me penguin and it’s not about him caring it’s about me caring!” He grunts, that voice, where do I know that voice from. It sounds darker than before but oddly sexy. What the heck Michael, that boy is a BOY! Like a kid, like illegal!

“Penguin please, he’s forgotten all about it by now.” Calum says, they start putting their snacks on the register. I hold back a chuckle since they don’t know I’m here yet.

“BUT CAL! He was so sexy, gosh if I had ovaries I swear they would have exploded! I mean fuck me right against the racks ow hot mystery guy!” Lucifer says, I smirk and bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. He’s so random and it’s cute.

“LUCIFER! Language, we’re in the middle of the target.” Calum whisper yells to the kid.     

“UGH why’d you have to be so rude! Don’t you know I’m a horny teenager too! I’m gonna fuck him anyway! Fuck that hot guy, gonna fuck him anyway!” Lucifer starts singing, now I can’t help it as I start laughing like a maniac. Causing both the boys to look at me, their faces making me laugh even more.

Calum started laughing himself as he sees it’s me but the kid, he looks like he could throw up any moment now.

“Which one is it then huh Lucifer? Being fucked by me, or fucking me? Honestly you look like a bottom.” I tell him when I’m done laughing, his face went even paler and his eyes got wider than I thought possible.

“Yeah Penguin, what’s it gonna be?” Calum asks him, the poor kid has got tears in his eyes so he jumps out of the cart and runs away after tossing his wallet at the Calum guy.

“Is he going to be ok?” I ask Calum, he chuckles and nods.

“He’s probably out in the car crying  but he’ll get over it and start imagining how hot you’d look naked.” Calum tells me, without a hint of shame.

“Poor kid, maybe I shouldn’t have said a thing. I didn’t want him to cry, it was pretty cute.” I tell Calum, it actually hurt a little seeing the kid so close to tears. He must have felt so bad when he figured I heard all of that.

“Kid?” Calum asks me surprised.

“Yes kid.” I laugh.

“He’s 18 man and dislikes being called a kid.” Calum says, wow the kid is 18? DAMN.

“Well, tell him it was cute and thanks for the compliment, but I’m definitely not a bottom, unless he really wants me to be.” I tell Calum, I wink at the guy and he actually blushes a bit.

“Wow euh ok. I-I’ll let him know.” He says, then he rushes off after paying.

“The blond kid is deffo’s a bottom.” The cashier says to me, she giggles as I laugh.

“He sure does look like one, but even if he’s legal he’s still a bit too young for me.” I tell her, she glances me up and down.

“I’m 24.” I tell her.

“Aww it’s legal though.” She says with a shrug. Well he could be legal all he wants, my mind was still on that hot blond quiff I saw yesterday. I hope I see him at work next week because I’m definitely going looking for him.

I walk out of the Target and spot the car with the two guys in it, Calum was rubbing a hand over Lucifers back as the blond leant on his shoulder. Calum spotted me and he smiled weakly, was Luke really that upset about it?

I rolled my eyes but smiled a little because the guy was so upset about it when actually he did nothing wrong. I walked over to the car and knocked on the window of the drivers side, so the Lucifer kid could drive huh?

The kid rolled down the window but didn’t look at me, he was nervously bitting on his lip and I noticed a small indent meaning he used to wear a lipring.

“You’re pretty cute you know.” I tell him as I lean on the door, he sighs and looks over at Calum.

“What do you want?” Calum asks me.

“Your friends number.” I state simply, I could talk to the boy, not like I’m doing anything wrong.

“What?” The blond asks shocked, he looks up at me again with those wide eyes, they were a nice shade of blue but they didn’t sparkle like my handsome strangers did.

“Like I said, you’re pretty cute. Is there a problem with me wanting your number?” I ask him.

“N-no n-n-not at all.” He stutters, I hand him my phone and he shakily takes it, giving me his in return. I add my number quickly under the name ‘SexyStranger’ and then hand him his phone back, he was shaking pretty badly when he handed me my phone.

“It was nice meeting you, see you around.” I say, I smile at the two guys and then turn around to head home.

Once I get home I strip from my skinnies because who needs pants when you’re inside right? I sit down on my couch and put my laptop on, I’ve hooked it to the tv so I can watch Netflix on my flatscreen. After picking a movie to watch I lie down and start to watch it.

I groaned as my phone started beeping from in my jeans that were by the door, about an hour into the movie. So I paused it, rolled off of the couch and crawled to my jeans, then crawled back to the couch and hoisted myself back up. I was so lazy it should be worrying me, but I mean I still got up for work in the mornings so I can’t be that lazy. I guess it’s ok to be extra lazy during vacations, yeah extra lazy.

AN/Who thinks Luke's a bottom? Who thinks Michael should just get on with it bc Luke's legal so fuck him right up the racks in the target already! 

NO JK I'm so not for like public, nahuh! But anyways, what do you think Michael's cute nickname for Luke will be and what will the text say Michael gets, is it from Luke ?? Yes, but no, but maybe... 

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