Tell him I need time

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AN/ I'd like to apoligize in advance for what you're about to read :s and for how it ends ok :s I'm sorry!!!!!! No smut

Also to all the Zayn girls out there, Stay strong please because Zayn wants you to be happy. Yes he left but he's happy and that's all that matters right? The other boys are still going on and Zayn is still here, he's going to be less stressed and there's going to be less drama. Please just please don't do anything other than cry, tears are a good way to let it all out. 

I'm not a Zayn girl myself but I know how it feels, I've had Drew leave Emblem3 and M.A.D broke up so I know the pain, I'm a big fan of One Direction and I know this hurts but the hurt will go, and yes it'll come back but just think off the memories. Think of the 5years he's been in your life, thank him for the memories don't hate him for leaving, he did what was best for himself and we should all support that.

Anyways here's the chapter! 

“Babe, what happened?” I ask him, pulling up a chair next to him. He shakes his head at me.

“Some guys came up and called us names.” Ashton says.

“Why would they do that?” I ask Ashton.

“Luke was worried about you being gone so long and I held his hand to calm him down.” Ashton says with a shrug.

“They picked on you for being gay?” I asked Luke, Luke nodded. I wrapped my arm around him and kiss his head.

“It’s ok Penguin, I’m here now.” I whisper to him.

“Ooh look, Gayboy is a cheater too. A gay and a cheat, what a laugh.” A voice calls from behind me, I look over at Luke. Fresh tears in his eyes.

“Who said that?” I ask, turning to look at the guys.

“Me, I ain’t afraid of gayboy and his gay boyfriend.” Some black haired, skaterboy says. I grab Luke’s hand and pull him up. Walking over to the guy.

“I think you owe him an apology.” I tell skaterboy.

“I don’t owe him nothing.” Skaterboy says.

“You know just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass.” I tell him.

“I don’t want you anywhere near my ass fagboy.” He tells me.

“How old are you?” I ask him, I couldn’t punch him if he was 17.

“17 why?” He asks me, shit.

“So naïve, you’re almost an adult kid. Grow up will you?” I ask him politely.

“What you’re not going to stand up for your sissy ass boyfriend?” He asks me.

“Michael?” Luke asks me, pulling on my hand.

“Let’s go babe.” I tell him, I kiss his cheek and pull him along with me.

“You didn’t even stand up for me?” Luke asks me shocked.

“Luke,” I start but he pulls his hand out of mine.

“NO! What even Michael! I thought you’d never let me get hurt, yet you can’t even stand up for me?” Luke asks me shocked.

“Luke I can’t.” I tell him.

“No shit you can’t! You obviously don’t care, all you did was tell him to grow up. Where’s your anger issues now huh?” Luke asks me, he looks at me so angrily that I step back from him. Did he really not understand why I couldn’t beat that kid up?

“Luke, I care! I am angry at him for saying stuff like that to you.” I tell Luke.

“All I’m asking for is for you to stand up for me, he hurt me Michael he made me cry!” Luke tells me, I did get angry but I couldn’t and Luke was too upset to see that.

“I will stand up for you Luke, I’ll protect you from anything.” I tell him, trying to grab his hand.

“Obviously you won’t!” Luke yells at me, then he walks off.

“Why didn’t you punch the guy?” Ashton asks me.

“He was 17 Ashton, I could go to jail for that!” I exclaim.

“Ow right.” Ashton mutters, Calum had ran off to follow Luke out.

“Tell them I’ve gone home.” I tell Ashton.

“What? You can’t go home! You have to explain this to Luke!” Ashton tells me.

“No Ash! I don’t need to explain anything, I didn’t do anything wrong. Luke should know I can’t hit anybody under 18!” I tell Ashton.

“How are you getting back?” Ashton asks.

“I’ll get a train or whatever.” I tell him, he nods.

“I’ve got my wallet so could you like ehm get my bag and bring it back to me when you get back?” I ask him, he nods.

“What am I telling Luke?” Ashton asks.

“Tell him I need time, but that unless he doesn’t want me to be, I’m still his boyfriend. And tell Calum to give Luke the present I got him when Luke has calmed down. But I’m mad at Luke for thinking I’d not protect him, I’d do anything I can but I can’t get sent to jail. I’ll talk to Luke on Monday or whatever.” I tell Ashton, he nods and then runs out after the guys. I make my way to the nearest station and get a ticket home. I had to get on 2 different trains and wait an hour before I could finally get a taxi home but 5 hours later I walked into my house and sighed deeply as I lay down on my bed, not planning on getting out of bed any time soon.

AN/ On a scale from 1 to Joffrey Baratheon how much do you hate me right now??? I'm sorry :( So Luke was upset and left, Michael went home. The date got cancelled and Calum still has the gift, do you think he'll give it to Luke before the weekend is over? How do you think things will be at work on Monday? 


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