Just a fling

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“Babe if you want to go shopping, take my card.” I tell him, normal people wouldn’t let that happen but I trusted Luke and I wanted him to have a nice outfit to wear for his party. I know we haven’t even known each other for so long but I like him a lot, like a lot a lot. He was my boyfriend and I want him to be happy and smile.

“I’m not taking your card Michael.” Luke huffs.

“Penguin, I want you to be happy. I don’t care if you go buy an outfit, it’s just an outfit.” I tell him.

“No, look I’m not using more of your money ok. It’s yours and not mine, I’m not some prostitute ok.” Luke tells me angrily, I look at him shocked and walk over to the couch. Pulling him onto my lap because who cares since we’re all by ourselves.

“I never said you were, sweetie. I just want to see you happy and see you smile. All I want is to make you happy, now are you going to tell me that going to buy a cool new outfit for this party won’t make you happy?” I ask him.

“It will make me feel like you’re paying me for my services.” Luke mumbles.

“Would it make you feel better if I didn’t touch you until the party to show you that’s not what it’s about for me?” I ask him, he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

“You’d go 3 weeks without for me?” He asks me.

“Of course, for you Penguin anything. I’m not with you for the sex, I like you so much just for who you are.” I tell him.

“Come on you want me for my body, you liked me because you saw me. Which I don’t get because I’m ugly.” He replies.

“No I think you’re cute, I did from the first moment I caught a glimpse of you. But I fell for how dorky you were, how you talked about having sex with me but how you said how embarrassed you felt about it. It’ was so adorable how you were so confident around Calum but then you saw me and BAM you were this socially awkward little penguin.” I tell him.

“You really think I’m adorable? But what happens when I grow up and stop acting like that?” He asks me.

“You planning to stay with me long enough for me to see that happened?” I ask him, he blushes.

“I’m sorry, I mean obviously I’m just a fling for you.” Luke says.

“I don’t do flings, I don’t even do falling in love. I’ve only been in love once before, I’ve had little relationships here and there since then but nothing like what I feel for you. I didn’t think you were ready for something serious, we’re too soon in our relationship for that but I can see myself waking up next to you for years to come.” I tell him, he smiles and I see tears come up.

“I’m so in love with you Michael, gosh it feels good to say it! I’m in love with your laugh and your amazing eyes, your full plump lips and the way you treat me. I’m so in love with how you’re you but you’re so perfect, I didn’t believe somebody could be so perfect because I didn’t believe in perfect. That was until in the store, where you pulled your beanie off and ruffled your hair. It’s like I finally got a good look at all off you and I felt like there was this light shining on you that there wasn’t before. Fuck I sound like a chickflick, but I mean it. I’ve fallen too hard, too quick and too deep, but I don’t care. I like you a lot Michael and I want to stay with you, nomatter how long we have to keep this a secret, as long as I have you I don’t need judgment.” Luke tells me, I wipe the tear off of his cheek and he hugs me.

“Now I’m telling you this one last time, take my card and buy yourself a nice oufit. Can I suggest skinnies though because damn you look so good in those.” I tell him.

“Maybe we can go shopping together?” Luke asks me.

“How about we set up to do that this weekend? We’ll drive away and spend the weekend away.” I tell him.

“What? Like a whole weekend?” Luke asks me.

“Luke we’ve basically spent all week together.” I tell him, rolling my eyes at him.

“Ehm but what do I tell my parents?” He asks me, I roll my eyes and dial Ashton’s number.

“Hey Ash, you busy this weekend?” I ask him.

“I was planning on doing things with Calum.” Ashton tells me.

“I think Calum and Luke are going away for the weekend.” I tell him, smiling. Luke looks like he gets what’s going on and he starts texting.

“WHAT? He didn’t tell me about that!” Ashton exclaims.

“That’s because Calum has only just found out about it. Look I want to take Luke shopping for a new outfit for that party him and Calum are going to. I need to take him out of this town so there’s no chance of coworkers seeing us.” I tell Ashton.

“Ok so what? We’re all going away for the weekend?” Ashton asks me.

“Yes, someplace close to a shopping centre though, and there has to be a few things to do, because I’m thinking of taking Luke out on our date.” I tell Ashton, Luke cheers happily and claps his hand.

“Yeah real manly babe.” I tell Luke with a smile, he huffs and texts Calum.

“I have a beachhouse, we can go there!” Ashton says.

“Shit dude that’s awesome! OK but don’t tell Cal or Luke where we’re going.” I tell him.

“Ok, I can pick everybody up I’ve got a bigger car.” Ashton says.

“Cool, you’re awsome dude, why did I never get your name before.” I tell him.

“Eeeh it’s ok.” Ashton says, then he hangs up on me.

“Where are we going?” Luke asks me.

“You did just hear me tell Ashton not to tell you and Cal where we’re going? You think I’m going to tell you then?” I ask him, he shrugs.

“It was worth a try right?” He asks me.

“Sure, remember to ask your dad about going away for the weekend though later.” I tell him, walking back to get back to work.

“OF COURSE! Like I’d want to miss this!” Luke says happily.

“Ok, let m finish this so at least you can be home on time.” I tell him. 

AN/ AWW they are going on a weekend away! And Luke agreed to get an oufit! JEEJ they can go.... SHOPPINGG!!! Ashton OWN a beachhouse, ugh rich ass bastard...

Luke admitted his 'like' for Michael and Michael admitted his 'like' for Luke :D Hmm is this a long term thing then?? 


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