Don't ever do that to me again Luke

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AN/ OK double update because the lat chapter got put on private due to the MukeSex, I don't know how to fix that? Like I think you need to follow me or something to be able to read it :s if you are ok with not reading it then you didn't miss anything and you can jut go further with reading this chapter :s

"Oh my gosh." Luke gasped as I lay down beside him.

"You stay still babe, I'll get us both cleaned up." I whisper to him, I got up and headed to my bathroom. I got some wet cloths and cleaned myself up, then I headed out to Luke and cleaned him up, obviously making sure to run my pinky over his V-line as I did so.

"Michael, cuddles!" Luke begged me, I shook my head and rolled my eyes but crawled into the bed with him.

"Don't ever do that to me again Luke, you can't go party and you can't go to a room with somebody." I tell him.

"I only ever wanted to go with you." Luke muttered, his chest pressed against mine so I felt his breathing even out and his face in the crook of my neck

"Then next time I'll be there, right next to you. Now sleep babe, and don't bother getting up tomorrow. Lay in as long as you need because it will hurt ok." I tell him, he nods and then presses his hands flat on the low of my back.

"Thanks for saving me Michael, thanks for being here with me and thanks for showing me I'm loved." Luke whispers to me.

"Thank you for accepting to come with me, I do love you Luke and I hope you won't forget that. Goodnight my love." I whisper back.

"Goodnight my Cinderella." Luke whispered, wait what? No he couldn't have said? Nah no he must have said something else.

"Your what?" I ask him, pouting slightly.

"My sexy fellah." Luke repeats, I nod and smile at him. Of course he didn't say Cinderella, because only 1 person calls me that and only Ashton knows that's what he calls me.

A guy that hasn't been on my mind since I realized I loved Luke, Charming. My Prince Charming, I wonder where he is know and if he's moved on to somebody knew.

"Michael?" I heard a groan the next morning so I hummed but didn't open my eyes.

"It hurts Michael." Luke groaned again, I slid my hands down to his ass and simply left then there, making Luke giggle.

"S'not helping Michael." Luke then whispered.

"Luke, I'm too old for this shit, let me sleep for a little while longer." I beg him, I bet it was like 6am.

"Do you want me to go make breakfast?" He asks me, I shake my head, still not opening my eyes.

"I'm not sleepy anymore though Michael." Luke complained.

"Get laptop then, shut up Penguin I'm tryna beautysleep here." I tell him, he moves around a bit and then I feel him sitting up straighter. I lay my head on his chest and wrap an arm around him.

"I won't play stuff to loud, you sleep Michael." Luke whispers to me, he moves around a bit more and grunts again, there's a hiss that follows but then he's playing with my hair and I hear a soft tune playing.

I woke up a few hours later to find Luke laying down next to me, he had tears in his eyes as he stared at the ceiling of my room.

"Penguin? Babe what's wrong?" I ask him worried, leaning over him.

"My ass hurts Michael! You promised it wouldn't hurt!" Luke complains.

"Come here babe." I whisper to him, pulling him over to me, I got him to lie on me and his arms wrapped around my neck as he lay his head next to mine.

"It'll feel better later ok? I'm sorry it hurts." I whisper to him, kissing his shoulder as I ran my hands up and down his back, he entangled his legs with mine and sighed happily.

"Can we lay like this for a while?" Luke asked me.

"Of course, anything for you Penguin." I whisper back. I gently rubbed my fingers in circles on his lower back and then moved my hands to his ass, running my fingers up and down slowly.

"Hmm feels nice." Luke mumbled against my cheek, his lips touching them as he spoke.

"Good because I want to make you feel good." I whisper back, Luke just hums as I continue gently massaging his backside.

"You called Cal yet?" I ask him because I knew he had to tell Cal about this.

"Yes, him and Ash hit it off too." Luke replies with a giggle.

"Hitting it off? Is that what you're calling it?" I ask him, he just nods as a reply.

"You want me to go make breakfast?" I ask Luke, he shakes his head.

"No I make breakfast." Luke tells me.

"Penguin, just because you're the bottom doesn't mean you make breakfast, your precious little ass hurts so I'll make breakfast, don't be so stereotypical." I tell him, kissing his collarbone.

"But that means you have to get up." Luke says, I can feel his bottom lip press to my cheek so I know he's pouting.

"How else do you think I'd get food?" I ask him.

"I don't want to get up though." Luke then whispers.

"Come on, I'll carry you downstairs and we can eat and snuggle on the couch. You don't have to go home anytime soon." I remind him, he huffs and rolls off of me. I get up and pull on some sweats, handing Luke a pair of boxers and sweats too.

"Can I have a t-shirt?" Luke asks me.

"Grab whatever you want, I'll put these somewhere to air out." I tell him, I put my clothes in my washing hamper and then put his out to air in the garage since they smell of smoke. 

AN/ Poor Lukey :s Jeej they are hanging out and oooh Luke called Calum to gossip or well 'mantalk' like they like to call it :p 

Also I'm meeting Steel Panther on Thurday so JEEJ!! I won't be updating tomorrow probably, so possibly Tuesday and then Friday when I get back from the concert :p

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