Don't start a f*cking fight in my car!

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AN/ There's talks about s.ex but there's not actual smut!!! So I hereby warn you about the lack of smut in this chapter.

“Maybe Luke should reconsider and become a top.” Ashton says like it’s nothing.

“NO! Gosh Ash you haven’t seen his ass, it’s begging to be pounded into, an ass like that does not top.” I tell Ashton, Luke slaps my arm and then hides his face in my neck. He’s whispering for me to shut up, over and over again.

“Ow really? Have you seen his ass? Like does it still look poundable when he’s bent over naked?” Ashton asks.

“Good point! I’ll check that out later.” I tell him, the quiet ‘shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up’ from Luke was making me smile.

“Guys! I don’t want to know about my best friends ass!” Calum groans.

“Well Calum, what does Ashton’s ass look like?” I ask Calum.

“HOLD UP! I AM NOT A BOTTOM!” Ashton exclaims.

“Yes you are, omg you might drink the beers and act all manly but Calum’s a top.” I tell him.

“Nahuh! Calum is the girl in this relationship!” Ashton says.

“No Michael is right, I’m the topper.” Calum says with a smirk.

“No way is your dick getting anywhere near my ass.” Ashton states.

“Ashton, you’re a bottom, maybe you’re like Luke. You want to be a top, but you’re not and you’ll try convincing people you’re the top but you’re not. Calum might act like a girl and he’s younger and less experienced but he’s a top.” I tell Ashton.

“Why are we discussing this?” Ashton asks.

“Maybe you can take turns topping?” I ask them.

“Maybe you and Luke can take turns topping.” Ashton counters.

“No, Luke is a bottom. I’m not sure he could top even if he wanted to, he’s just not dominant like that. You need to know what you’re doing to be a top and Luke can’t handle that situation.” I tell him, I hiss as Luke bites my neck.

“The fuck Luke?” I ask him, moving away from him.

“I can so top if I wanted to top!” He tells me.

“Oh really?” I ask him, he nods.

“Penguin, you’re not a top.” I tell him, I rub my neck and hiss again as my fingers run over the bit Luke just bit.

“Did you seriously bite me, it wasn’t even kinky nibbles but you just actually bit me!” I exclaim, I pull out my phone and glare as I see teethmarks.

“Damn it Luke, that actually hurts.” I tell him with a glare, he just shrugs.

“Don’t start a fucking fight in my car! We’ve still got 3 hours to go!” Ashton tells us both angrily, I just shrug and look out of the window. WTF did he bite me for? Seriously, he knows he’s a bottom, why’d he have to bite me. That’s like what 2 year olds do.

For 3 whole hours Luke and I didn’t speak a word to each other, when we got to Ashton’s beach house I even ignored how excited he was about it, I followed Ashton in and he told me what room could be mine. I put my bag down on the king sized bed and then headed downstairs again.

“I’m going out.” I yell through the house, slamming the door behind me. I wasn’t even bothered about what Luke was doing because frankly he’s such a child for biting me and I knew that if we got into a fight I’d call him out on that and it would just make things worse. See most people would think that ignoring him would make it worse but I knew it was better like this. He hates being called a kid or childish and I’ve done that before so I didn’t want to hurt him like that.

He was a grown up, he was and even I can act like a child from time to time but I’d not mind people calling me out on that. I guess it’s just the fact he’s dating an older guy that makes him so insecure about how he acts and about his age, I don’t care thought as long as it’s legal I can date whoever I want.

I sat down at this froyo place and got a text while eating.

Ashton – I put Luke in the room with you, he’s up there crying in bed and Calum is trying to comfort him.

Michael  - I’ll be back later ok, I just needed both of us to calm down.

Ashton – Luke said something about not liking how you think you’re in charge of him. Saying he’s not some kid you can boss around and he can totally top if he wants to. Plus he says he doesn’t like it when you joke about your sexlife? Something to do with just because he hasn’t done it before doesn’t mean he can’t top?

Shit Luke thinks I was laughing at the fact he was a virgin.

Michael – I’ll be back soon.

AN/ Ouch drama!! Do you think Luke has his right to be mad at Michael? Who thinks Luke can top if he wants to? Who figured Calum was a top? Was it smart from Michael to just walk out like that? What do you think is going to happen when he gets back to the beach house?


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