I never asked you about a girlfriend, or a wife!

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AN/ Still sick but doing an update because I promised!!!  It's a short update but when you read it you'll understand why :p 


“Michael, Mrs. Clifford rang again!” Mirry says happily as I walked in, I felt Luke stop walking as I continued up to Mirry.

“What does she want?” I ask her.

“I don’t know, I told her I’d tell you to call her back.” Mirry says, I groan and rub my temple quickly.

“Fine, I’ll call her after my food. I’m starving.” I tell her, she nods and then I walk up to my office, feeling Luke follow me. Once in my office I walk to my desk and start eating, finishing my coffee and throwing the cup away.

“Are you sure you don’t want anything?” I ask Luke, he shakes his head. He was sitting on the seat opposite me and I could tell he was crying. I huffed and looked around.

“Luke what’s a matter?” I ask him.

“Nothing Mr. Clifford sir.” Luke whispers.

“Luke you don’t need to call me that in here.” I tell him, he however doesn’t look up at me he just shrugs.

“You made it perfectly clear I had to call you that, in the middle of Maccas.” Luke muttered, probably hoping I didn’t notice because he stiffened up right after he said it. I ignored the comment and noticed him relax.

“Mr. Clifford.” A voice asks after there was a knock on the door.

“Luke, stop crying!” I tell him angrily, then calling the person to say they could come in. Luke frantically wiped his eyes and then sat up straight.

“Mr. Hemmings wanted me to bring these in, he saw you return and he told me to hand them to you once you’d done eating. I however have an important meeting to get to, sorry for disturbing.” The employee says that I’ve never seen before.

“Thank you, head off to your meeting now.” I tell the guy, he nods and leaves quickly.

“Look Luke, if you’re going to be my assistant I can’t have you crying every 5 minutes. What’s bothering you?” I ask him.

“I’m not going to cry, you were just being rude and I realized the guy I have a crush on is a rude asshole. Yes laugh at me like you laughed at Irene, I get how everybody has a crush on you but I shouldn’t  because I’m your boss’ son yet here I am and all I can think of when I look at you is how you looked sucking me off! How am I supposed to work like this? You just make fun of me with Ashton and you’ve talked about me, probably laughing at how I’m such a baby and I cry at everything. I’m going to tell my dad I can’t work here, I’ll tell him something that would make him want me to leave. Easy enough I could let it slip how hot you are at dinner tonight.” Luke says to me, I frown at him because I didn’t mean to be rude but he needs to act like an adult in here so I called him out on that. I understand how he thinks I’ve gossiped about him with Ashton because well I have but not about what he thinks.

“Luke, I never said anything bad about you to Ashton. I only laugh with Irene because she didn’t notice I was gay, and she was my assistant. It was weird that she didn’t know because well she saw me every day, she knows me. I guess her crush made her blind.” I tell him.

“Yeah and mine made me blind to the fact you’re a lying dickhead.” Luke says to me, glaring at me now.

“Hold up there Luke, I’m not a liar and I’ve been nothing but nice to you.” I tell him.

“Not a liar? Then who is Mrs. Clifford huh? You didn’t have a boyfriend but I never asked you about a girlfriend, or a wife! Plus who is the Blond Quiff huh? The sexiest man alive apparently? Is that why you didn’t want me? You’re in love with this Blond Quiff guy that you met at my Dad’s party!!” Luke almost yelled, I groan and dial the familiar number. WTF was Luke even thinking?

I put the phone on speaker as it rang, glaring at Luke.

“Mrs. Clifford speaking!” the chirpy voice I’ve come to find very annoying says. Luke widens his eyes and slaps a hand over his mouth.


Ooooh Mrs. Clifford, what the heck right? So Luke was upset about Michael 'gossiping' about him to Ashton, do you think he's overreacting? AND Luke got angry about Blond Quiff, how do you think Michael is going to deal with this? How is Michael going to explain Mrs. Clifford and BLond Quiff? 

OK so I'm sorry this chapter is so short but well I'll double update, next update will be late tonight for me though because I need to rest, so like enjoy this chapter!! 


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