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Michael and Luke did life happily ever after, in the land of far far away, lol jokes they moved to LA.

When Ashton asked Michael to be the CEO of his new record label that was stationed in LA, Michael immediately agreed, under 1 condition. He got to choose his own assistant.

Never has Michael loved being called Mr. Clifford as much as he loves how Luke says it, so when Michael offered Luke the job of his assistant Luke agreed under one condition. He got to call him Mr. Clifford but the rest of the staff had to stick with Michael, well Michael would have been a fool to disagree with that.

Ashton and Calum moved over to LA not soon after Luke and Michael did, moving in right next to the Muke Mansion as they liked to call it, the Cashton Castle was Calum's new home and it's exactly how he liked it because he has Ashton and that's all he needed, Ashton obviously feeling the same way.

Michael took Luke back to Australia for 2 weeks, introducing Luke to his mom and saying he needed to do something here before going back to LA.

Luke cried when Michael proposed by having their new signed artists sing Michaels self written song 'Wrapped around your finger' as they danced like the first time they met, Michael not even caring about being the 'girl' because at the end of the song Michael was down on one knee and Luke was crying as he nodded his head with a smile on his face. Nobody in the target knew why those 2 boys were standing in the snack isle, a band serenading them as they danced but to Michael and Luke it was the moment this all started. The moment Michael and Luke officially met was here in this aisle and they knew that, nobody else needed to know.

The people doing their little wedding ceremony didn't comment on the fact Michael was dressed in a white tux and Luke all in black, they didn't comment on the masks they wore or how the guy in black got walked down the aisle by both Ben and Jack. They didn't comment on the wavy haired giddy boy with a black suit with a galaxy (meaning purple and blue with little white stars) bowtie and galaxy mask with a purple and blue flower crown on his head threw pedals on the floor in front of Calum who walked in front of Luke, nor how the guy with the all black suit but electric blue tie and matching mask held the rings on an electric blue cushion. Nor did they comment about the bright red hair of the guy in the white suit, or the bright green tie and cotton candy like pink ties and masks of the men walking down the aisle with Luke were wearing. The outfits matching the colors of the hair Michael had at the most important times of their lives. Ashton being the beginning, the flower boy that walked up first, of course Michael representing the masquerade itself. Calum the electric blue from the time Michael saved Luke at the party. Jack being the cotton candy pink Michaels head adorned when Luke ran away with him and Ben the bright green Michael had when proposing to the boy of his dreams.

Nobody commented on how they said their vows like it was a story, starting with once upon a time at a masquerade party and once upon a time in the target, and how they ended with Happily ever After on both sides.

Mr. Hemmings was quite shocked when walking into his office one morning, looking over to Michael's empty office and finding a picture stuck to the wall.

A picture of his sons, Calum, Michael and a guy he didn't know, a banner saying 'Happily Married' as the guys were all dressed in suits with masks. He frowned as he noticed the joy on both Michael and Luke's faces and sudden regret filled him that he wasn't there to see his youngest son marry his one true love. He looked at the empty office, regretting letting Michael go, business was bad and he's fired everybody to start anew, Ben and Jack left and now he knew why.

Michael and Luke went on a honeymoon to all the single places Lukes' ever dreamt off going, staying away for a whole year just enjoying each others presence.

Ashton and Calum married after Michael and Luke came back, and they went on a honeymoon but not one as extravagant as Muke because Calum liked it simple. Nobody then commented on Michael being the flowerboy and Luke the ringbearer because sometimes Luke was a top and on nights or even days when Luke wore his mask and his all black shirt with nothing underneath, Michael knew that on those moments he was a bottom and because it was his Penguin, Michael would be whatever Luke wanted him to be.

The words 'We're adopting a baby boy' still rang through Michaels ears as Luke held up a picture of their future son. The papers finally being ok'ed and the room already set up.

The 'I do's of Michael and Luke's son and a few years later their little agreement about who was giving away their daughter were moments Luke and Michael longed for and wanted to go back to when their days came to an end. Michael's hair grey and Luke's more white, eyes still shining like they used to everytime they looked at each other.

"I love you my Prince Charming." Michael muttered as he was old and laying on his deathbed, his wrinkly but still beautiful husband holding onto his hand so lovingly.

"I'll follow you soon my Cinderella." Luke whispered as he pressed a longing kiss to the chapped but still perfect lips of his husband. Not long after Michael died, did Luke follow and just like that the end was finally there and their happily ever after was outlived. The book closed as their children and grandchildren closed the door to their tomb in the graveyard back in Australia. The words 'Happily Ever After' engraved above the door.

AN/ I want to thank everybody that read this, and voted and commented! Thank you for reading the whole story!

Thank you to @5SOS1975 for being there for like the whole journey, being my fave reader and just for clicking on this story in the first place! I dedicate this whole story to you!! 2 months it took me to finish this story, and what a ride it's been, I'm sad to see it's over but I'm glad to have uploaded the end of the very first story I have EVER finished writing ^^

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