Night 31: Sasha

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I take Dad's hand, and we apparate to a remote location far from anywhere I would recognize. There was a dark townhouse in front of us in semi-good condition. An abandoned porch swing sits in the front with some flowers next to it. 

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Somewhere where you are safe. Now, come on," Dad opens the door and is greeted by a woman with purple hair.

"Good, you're back! This must be your daughter. I'm Tonks," She shakes my hand.

"Sasha. It's nice to meet you," I say, hoping I sounded cheerful enough. Tonks smiles, I think she picked up on my sadness.

"Come on in. I'll show you to your room," We walk up a narrow staircase to a hallway with several doors.

"This one," Tonks stops in front of a wood door. Inside the room was quite plain, with a bed and a dresser. A small bathroom was connected to the room, and next to that, another dresser with a mirror.

"How long will I be here?" I ask warily. Tonks smiles sadly.

"Just until we figure out what to do. Don't worry, I'll convince your father to let some letters go through," Tonks winks, then leaves. I place my trunk on the floor and Electra on top of my dresser. She hoots sadly.

"No Persues here, Electra," I say sadly. "And no Draco, either," I whisper to myself. Electra hoots again before cleaning her dark blue feathers. Another knock comes at my door and I open it. A man with a mustache and a kind smile is outside.

"Hi," I say politely. 

"Evening. I'm Remus Lupin, Tonk's husband. Wanted to pop in and say hello," He says kindly.

Remus Lupin, the name rung a bell. "Wait, you used to teach at Hogwarts, didn't you? Harry says you're the best DADA teacher he's ever had," I connect the dots.

Lupin flushes a bit at the compliment. "Yes, I did teach there for quite some time. However, this job is quite enjoyable as well. I'll be teaching you while you stay here. I'll help you keep your powers under your control and continue to strengthen your walls," Lupin explains before a bell clangs downstairs.

"Time for supper," He starts to head down the stairs and I follow. There were a few other people at the table that I didn't recognize. They all wave and continue talking. Dad raises his glass.

"To Sasha!" He exclaims, and everyone choruses back before they all help themselves to some food. A boy no older than eighteen sits at the end of the table with distinct gold-green eyes was talking with Tonks. The only seat was next to him, so I take my seat.

"So this is the famous Sasha Dail-Myers?" He asks me.

"Depends on who's asking," I reply.

"Casper Evergreen," He offers his hand and I shake it. "Your dad talks a lot about you," He adds. Tonks nods confirming.

"Oh," I poke at my food, not feeling hungry. I learn that Casper is indeed, eighteen, soon to be nineteen and he attended Hogwarts. He was a Ravenclaw, which I could infer from the words he used. I would have to look up about half of the words he used during dinner later.

"You sure you don't want help, Tonks?" I ask as I help clear the table. The rest of the Order went to chat lowly in the living room.

"Don't worry. You go freshen up and get your room nice and comfortable. And I'll talk to your father for you," We share a knowing smile before I head to my room. I feed Electra while putting up my pictures, each one making my stomach go tense. Every picture of Draco made my eyes prick, every picture of Blaise making the lump in my throat grow, every picture of my friends and me together making my hands shakier. I flop on my bed looking up at the ceiling, tears filling my eyes. All I want to do right now is be in my room with Draco, watching TV as he holds me close. I want to hear Blaise laugh from a mile away, to see Kylie's annoyed but amused expression, to see Theo's reaction to everything.

I close my eyes and hear a shatter. My mirror had broken.

How that happened, I have no idea. I wasn't thinking about breaking anything, nor had I touched the mirror. I sit up, pointing my wand around, but nothing was there. 


My windows shatter, the glass falling into the backyard. No, no, no. I hold Hazelnut, the bear Draco won for me what seemed like an eternity ago, and everything slowed. Someone knocks on my door, and it wasn't my dad.

"Sasha?" Casper asks. "Are you okay?" He asks

"No," I reply and Casper opens the door.

"Sheesh, what happened?" Casper asks.

"I don't know. I was thinking about how much I miss my friends and..." I point to the shattered mirror.

"What about the windows?" Casper asks.

"The same thing," I reply, laying back down on my back, staring at the ceiling. I enchant my roof to be glass so I could see the night sky.

"That's not good. I'll let the Order know. In the meantime, you should get some rest," Casper smiles at me before laughing to himself. I was too tired to ask him what was so funny. I grab a sugar quill and chew it so hard it snaps in half. I grab a real quill and some parchment.

Attempt one of letter writing.


 I hate it here. You're not here and I'm constantly being watched. I'm so lonely and I want nothing more than to run to your side, no matter the distance.

My powers are going insane, and not in a good way. I can't control anything. Thinking of you made a mirror and windows shatter.

I'm a monster, Draco.

I love you. I'm going to come back to you, no matter how risky, I don't care. 


I wipe my eyes and seal the envelope, hoping it sends.

It doesn't. 

And so the ride through the dark tunnel beings.

A/N: is the good stuff that's happening! Things are getting intense...

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