Epilogue Part 2: The Wedding Day

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Sasha stirs lightly in her sleep as the sun streams into her room. Today, August 1st, she would be getting married to the love of her life and one of her best friends.

"The bride is awake!" Kylie says, opening the shades wider.

"Morning," Sasha says, stretching as she sits up. Kylie hands her some warm tea with lemon.

"This will jumpstart your system slowly. I also have an assortment of smoothies and a hearty breakfast ready. Diara and I are gone at ten and will be back at three, are you okay with that?" Kylie asks as she makes sure everything in Sasha's room is prepped and perfect for when she gets ready.

"Yeah, of course," Sasha replies as she sips at her tea, which helped ease the intense butterflies in her stomach.

"Awesome, now hurry up. we have a tight schedule today. Check into the hotel at 12:30 and put anything you won't need for the rest of the day in the Honeymoon Suite. Draco's coming at four when you're down in the bridal suite," Kylie reports as she makes sure all the necessities are packed in Sasha's bags.

"You're running the show, Mrs. Zabini," Sasha jokes. Blaise recently proposed to Kylie and they planned to get married back in the Wizarding World in October, while Sasha and Draco chose a summer wedding overlooking the sandy beaches of Los Angeles. Cameron and Diara had gotten engaged shortly after Blaise and Kylie, but they were waiting until the New Year to get married. Theo and Daphne got engaged only three days before the wedding but aren't planning to get married soon. 

"I want no stress on the bride. That makes things worse. So, whenever you're ready come down to eat," Kylie smiles at her friend before dashing down the stairs. Sasha gets ready and heads downstairs where she was greeted by her three bridesmaids and her family.

"Aunt Carol!" Sasha hugs her aunt happily.

"My baby girl is getting married! I've heard so much about him, he seems like an angel," Aunt Carol gushes. Sasha hugs Isabella and eats the breakfast Kylie made for everyone before packing up to head to the hotel.

"Yes to the left a bit, perfect! Hey you! Do those look even to you? No? I thought so," Diara and Kylie share the same annoyed expression before going back to ordering more people around, each holding a clipboard with tons of papers attached. The ceremony would be right by a large window that overlooks the beach that has Sasha and Draco's carving in the palm tree. It was perfect, a place they both shared and that defined their relationship perfectly.

"Sasha!" Cameron runs with his video camera.

"Hi, Cameron," Sasha laughs a bit.

"You already look so pretty. I cannot believe the day is already here," Cameron wipes his eyes a bit.

"Come here! I'm still going to be your best friend," Sasha hugs Cameron.

"I know, it just felt like yesterday when we met Draco and now," Cameron gestures to the wedding. "By the way, speeches are done for everyone who was asked or wants to give one,"

"Awesome," Sasha smiles but before she could head to the bridal suite a car pulls up.


"Narcissa! It's so good to see you!" Sasha hugs her soon to be mother-in-law.

"This is the perfect distraction from everything. Congratulations to you, dear," Sasha smiles. Lucius was recently sentenced to life in Azkaban. Sasha knew it was hard on Narcissa, it was hard on Draco. Even though his father left little room for Draco to be who he wanted to be, Lucius is still Draco's father.

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