Day 17: Draco

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Hogwarts seems so empty without everyone, but it's also cool to have the campus to ourselves. Sasha and I can talk about anything because almost no one else is here, and we can go anywhere we want on campus. In one week, we've snuck into every single common room at least twice.

"Phew, Snape is giving me a run for my money." Sasha huffs as she sits down next to me for lunch, her arms full of books. She puts them in her signature backpack and starts to eat.

"Apparently you're doing well, especially in potions," I note, and Sasha snickers.

"It's basically chemistry only with magic." She does jazz hands and we both laugh.

"How's your family? Have they written?" I ask as Sasha takes a bite of food and swallows.

"Yeah, we write to each other every day. Diara and Cameron are still going strong, Jenson is moving into his dorm with Issac in a few weeks, Mom and Dad say the house is lonelier, but they hope I'm okay. Oh, and everyone says hi and they miss you." Sasha reports and I smile. I breathe, I was about to give her some big news.

"Sasha, my parents know about us," I say softly and she turns to me, her eyes wide.

"And how are they taking that?" I hear how nervous she is.

"My mom's ecstatic. My dad thinks you're a distraction, but to be honest I don't care. They want to meet you." Sasha nearly spits out her water.

"They what? You're kidding, right?" Sasha asks, and I can't tell if she's excited or nervous or both.

"Yeah, this Saturday for dinner. You don't have class, right?" I confirm.

"Nope, completely free." Sasha finishes her lunch and leans on my shoulder.

"You'll be fine," I assure her before she sits up, getting paler.

"What if I have a panic attack?" She asks, but thank goodness, her necklace calms her down.

"What just happened?" Sasha inspects the necklace.

"It's enchanted to help your anxiety," I explain and she smiles.

"You're too much," Sasha says sweetly before pecking me on the cheek. "I'll see you at dinner?" She asks.

"Yeah, see you." I watch her leave and work on some stuff for Snape until my dark mark sets on fire. I scream until it eventually stops burning, but damn it took a lot out of me. The stones separate and I see Sasha walk in.

"Snape canceled your class by the way. I have no idea why, though." She kisses my cheek and notices my state. "What happened? Is it-oh it is? Are you okay?" Sasha looks concerned.

"Yeah, just drained I guess," I say, my exhaustion apparent in my voice. Sasha hugs me. 

"I know things are tough now, but everything will be okay." Sasha takes my hand and we flop on the couch together. She snuggles in the crook of my arm and reads one of her textbooks.

"Don't you get bored of that?" I motion to the textbook. Sasha looks at me.

"This isn't a textbook, Draco. It's my dad's journal. Like my real dad's journal." Sasha continues reading but my heart stops. I snatch it from her. How could she be reading something written by the person who caused her so much pain?

"Draco give it back!" She tries to get it, but I pull away too fast.

"Why are you reading this? Hasn't your dad caused you enough trouble?" I ask, infuriated.

"Just give it back!" Sasha yells but I toss it in the fire. Sasha screams, grabs it, and tries to fix it.

"Repario, repario. Shoot, come on!" She screams and looks at me with a glare so deep it cut me inside. Thankfully, the book returns to normal.

"What the actual hell is wrong with you?!" Sasha asks, her blood boiling.

"Why are you reading that?" I ask, just as mad. Sasha's eyes brim with tears.

"When I was eight, I walked into my dad's study and he told me about the Wizarding World. He told me that he was writing a journal for me to read when I go to Hogwarts, and we made a promise to read it, no matter what happened. This Draco," Sasha holds up the book. "It's giving me all the answers I needed as a kid, and I need now." I cover my mouth, realizing the mistake I made.

"I'm so sorry..." I drift off.

"It's okay, you didn't know.." Something falls out of the book. It's a small slip of paper. Sasha picks it up and opens it. She stares at it for an eternity.

"It's numbers. But why?" Sasha inspects the numbers on the slip of paper. I know what it is when I see it.

An Azkaban cell number. Should I tell her?

"Do these mean anything to you?" Sasha asks and I grapple with myself with what to do.

"Nope." I lie and I curse at myself.

Sasha looks at me and shrugs. "He must have written down a password for something and left it in here." Sasha chuckles and I silently thank whatever higher spirit there is that she doesn't question it further.

Sasha spends the rest of the night reading the journal while snuggling in my arms. This is another favorite pastime of mine, where we're just together.

"Draco, what's a Patronus?" She asks.

"It's to fight off dementors and conjured by thinking of your happiest memory. They are all animals that match your personality." I explain and Sasha nods.

"Wait a second, that was the first magic thing I saw! My dad showed me his Patronus, it was a blue horse. What's yours?" She asks, hopeful.

"I've never been able to make one," I confess glumly. Sasha sighs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Sasha looks down.

"It's fine." I smile not because I want to show her I'm okay, it's because I'm actually hopeful. My life has been pretty complicated, but the second I met Sasha, I knew that I could create a Patronus because she made me so incredibly happy.

A/N: We're finally at Hogwarts!! Things are going to get interesting........

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