Day 24: Draco

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The days I've been in the hospital have not been too horrible. Sasha visits every day after class with some notes she took for me, then we play card games and talk until one of us, usually, me, falls asleep.

"Behold, my good sir, a Royal Flush," Sasha says triumphantly and I fake sigh. She uses her purple quill to put another Win tally on her side of the parchment paper. Sadly, she's winning.

"I'm convinced you're cheating," I joke and Sasha laughs. She cleans up the poker chips and cards so she can lay next to me. I play with her hair and she fiddles with my rings.

"Sasha, you know that from now on things are going to be difficult, right?" I ask her. Sasha looks up at me.

"Yeah," She says sadly before resting her head on my chest. She glumly plays with my rings again.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Nothing," Sasha says and I scoff.

"Come on, something is definitely wrong," I reply and Sasha leans onto my shoulder so she can look at me.

"I'm scared," She whispers. That's a first, Sasha never admits to being scared. This must be bad.

"Of what?" I ask.

"Of us changing," Sasha says softly. "I'm scared your task will divide us, or worse, you'll drift away, and I don't want that," Sasha confesses, closing her eyes for a single moment. When she opens, her eyes are dim and sad.

"Hey," I say, lifting her chin up. She looks at me. "I won't let that happen, and neither will you, alright?" I say, trying to give her hope. Sasha smiles and kisses me softly.

"I promise," She says, sitting up before getting her messenger bag and placing it on my bed. She opens it and pulls out some books.

"What's that?" I ask and she smiles.

"This," She says plopping the books next to me. "Is what I've been waiting to show you," Sasha hands me a book, which says "Grimm Fairy Tales Storywinners Collection,"

"That's cool," I say, smiling. She had read me the original stories before, and they were pretty good.

"Not just that, silly," She flips to a page and points to a line. It says Sasha Dail-Myers: The Boy Who Fell From the Stars.

"Wait, hold on. This is the story you told me when we first went to Draco's Point, right?" I ask. Sasha nods happily and turns to a bookmarked page. She starts to read.

"Once upon a time, in a land you and I both know of very well, a couple was filled with grief and strife. Their only child had died of a sickness, and the father had lost his job. They were very poor. Every night, the two would stare at the stars and wish for a miracle. One night, something fell from the sky. It was a baby boy wrapped in a blanket as dark as the night sky. He had hair so blond, it was almost white, just like the millions of stars in the night sky. He had dusk colored eyes, a mix of blue and grey, like a cloudy evening sky. Simply put, he was an angel. A miracle. He was named Draco after the dragon constellation he fell from," I beam at the last line.

"The boy grew up loved by his wonderful family, helping them smile and get back on their feet, but he knew he had to return to the sky where he belonged. One night, when everyone was asleep, he spoke to those above and begged them to let him stay. The spirits said, 'Only if you save someone who is unsaveable will you stay,'. The boy went out on a journey, trying to find someone who seemed so broken, they couldn't be saved. He was about to give up when he found a girl his age crying in her front yard. He sat next to her and asks her what's wrong.

'I have no more family, no more friends, no one who loves me anymore. I'm alone,' She kept crying, and Draco couldn't bear to see her hurt like this.

'I'll be here,' Draco promises. And he was, every day they would walk together, talk, laugh for hours and hours until one of them fell asleep. Many years later, when the two had grown up, Draco asked the girl to marry him. The spirits saw how he helped the girl smile again, and let him stay on Earth forever. They lived happily ever after together, helping those who thought they were unsaveable," Sasha finishes, smiling. I hug her.

"It's amazing. I love it," I say, grinning ear to ear. Sasha points to one more part of the book. It said: Dedicated to Draco, my boy who fell from the stars. I love you

I was on the verge of tears. "Sasha Natalie Dail-Myers, I love you," I whisper. Then, we heard screams.

"Evacuate the patients! DeathEaters are attacking the hospital!"

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, apologizes for the cliffhanger. See you tomorrow!!

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